Family Tree Names

Cress, Joanna E.
Cromwell, Edith
Crosby, Edward Stephen (20 AUG 1850-15 JUL 1930)
Crosby, Luther 'Bud' Leighton
Crosby, Margaret C (ABT 1832-1910)
Crosby, Pearl Helen (5 JUN 1897-12 APR 1968)
Crosby, Rethel Wesley
Crosby, Ruth
Cross, Elizabeth (1792-3 OCT 1861)
Croushore, Henry
Cummings, Marie
Cummings, Redman S. (Comins)
Cunningham, Catherinne
Cunningham, Robert (13 DEC 1812-28 AUG 1870)
Currin, E. Robert (20 MAR 1920-2 JAN 1977)
Currin, Lynch (20 MAY 1886-19 JUN 1968)
Curtis, Charles
Curtis, Pheobe
Dalbey, Maria
Dale, Christain
Dale, Ellen
Dallas, Francis (1 JAN 1767-30 MAR 1858)
Dallas, Thomas
Danner, Laura Alice
Darby, John
Darnell, William H.
Darsie, James
Daugherty, Diane (19 JUL 1939-)
Daugherty, Elmer
Daugherty, Eva Ruth
Daugherty, Fern V.
Daugherty, Idealia
Daugherty, Richard
Daugherty, Russell E.
David, Susan (1780-1831)
Davis, Agnes
Davis, Andrew S.
Davis, Daniel Waldo (1825-1910)
Davis, Elizabeth
Davis, Elizabeth
Davis, Irving Waldo (21 DEC 1875-)
Davis, James
Davis, James
Davis, Jean
Davis, Jonathan
Davis, Judith (ABT 1769-AFT 1823)
Davis, Martha
Davis, Rachael
Davis, Richard
Davis, Susanna
Davis, Zachariah
Davis, Zachariah (-1800)
Davis, Zelle A. (1884-6 JAN 1963)
Day, Beatrice M. (22 MAR 1907-29 AUG 1980)
Day, Sarah (-ABT 1819)
Day, William Robert
Dayton, ? Dr.
DeWitt, Sherri Lynn
Deavor, Hettie
Deighton, Damaris
Deighton, Francis
Deighton, Jane
Deighton, John
Deighton, Gent., John (-16 MAY 1640)
Deighton, John
Deighton, Katherine (-20 AUG 1671)
Deighton, Mary
Deighton, Thomas
Deighton, Thomas
Detweiler, Elizabeth (8 MAR 1775-20 SEP 1849)
Detweiler, Johannes
Dickenson, David
Dillon, Alfred (1862-)
Dillon, Charles Marion (18 JUN 1913-18 NOV 2003)
Dillon, Charles Wesley (1911-1934)
Dillon, Clair Eugene (26 JAN 1917-29 OCT 1984)
Dillon, George (1820-)
Dillon, Iruh Lloyd (1906-1947)
Dillon, James
Dillon, James Leasure (7 AUG 1825-18 OCT 1894)
Dillon, James Robert (28 OCT 1852-15 OCT 1926)
Dillon, John C. (1860-)
Dillon, John Robert (1823-1 JUN 1912)
Dillon, Mary Anne (1868-)
Dillon, Matthew Pierce (1834-1905)
Dillon, Oliver L. (1865-)
Dillon, Rhoda Bella (1874-1939)
Dillon, Robert (1871-)
Dillon, Robert Shadrack (18 DEC 1818-13 JUL 1882)
Dillon, Ruth E. (24 JUL 1908-17 JUL 1977)
Dillon, Samuel R. (22 JUL 1837-10 APR 1927)
Dillon, Sarah Ellen (1828-)
Dillon, Stewart S. (1831-1908)
Dillon, William Robert (10 APR 1879-4 DEC 1959)
Dixon, Francis Shoemaker (1892-5 AUG 1958)
Doble, Sarah Varnum (6 MAR 1809-24 MAY 1890)
Doble, William (23 NOV 1734-2 SEP 1841)
Doble, William (ABT 1777-)
Dodds, Barbara Ann
Dodson, Joshua
Doe, Sarah (1802-20 NOV 1859)
Dolbier, Eunice Vaughn (1823-)
Donald, Elizabeth (27 JAN 1832-)
Doremus, Lyllian Carolyn
Doten, Mary Emily (ABT 1825-)
Dotty, Mary (1829-21 MAR 1889)
Douglas, Sarah Butler (24 MAR 1827-)
Douglass, Blanch
Dow, Andrew Jackson (24 OCT 1870-15 DEC 1922)
Dow, Bernice M.
Dow, Durwood Alvah Sr (31 OCT 1924-17 JAN 1999)
Dow, E. Scott Rev.
Dow, Edwin Cecil (27 MAY 1912-30 NOV 1970)
Dow, Ervin S. (5 NOV 1914-12 JAN 2008)
Dow, Harry Merrill (15 AUG 1895-30 NOV 1969)
Dow, Leonard A. (28 NOV 1943-)
Dow, Lizzie Mae (1898-16 NOV 1990)
Dow, Merrill T. (30 JUN 1920-20 JAN 1927)
Dow, Pearle J. (28 JUN 1947-)
Dow, Phillip Gene Jr (8 NOV 1971-)
Dow, Phillip Gene Sr (28 FEB 1945-)
Dow, Ralph W. (7 FEB 1907-9 FEB 1994)
Dow, Rosa E.
Dow, Wilbur Edward (18 SEP 1903-5 JAN 1985)
Dragger, Laura
Drake, Glennie E.
Dryden, Elizabeth (ABT 1799-)
Dudley, Abigail (31 OCT 1716-)
Dudley, Benjamin (1753-)
Dudley, Caleb (8 APR 1779-)
Dudley, Daniel (ABT 1769-)
Dudley, Deborah
Dudley, Eliphalet
Dudley, Eliphalet (ABT 1739-)
Dudley, Elizabeth (1752-)
Dudley, George F.
Dudley, Gilman (8 MAR 1788-)
Dudley, Hannah (ABT 1759-)
Dudley, Hannah (28 FEB 1741/42-)
Dudley, Henry
Dudley, James (1745-)
Dudley, James (1715-MAY 1761)
Dudley, James LT (11 JUN 1690-4 SEP 1746)
Dudley, Joanna (ABT 1755-)
Dudley, Joanna
Dudley, John (3 JUL 1773-)
Dudley, John
Dudley, John (9 APR 1725-)
Dudley, John (ABT 1744-)
Dudley, John 2nd (15 JAN 1754-DEC 1828)
Dudley, Jonathan (1752-)
Dudley, Joseph
Dudley, Joseph (1728-)
Dudley, Joseph Elder (15 FEB 1749/50-)
Dudley, M.Sue (13 APR 1940-)
Dudley, Mary (ABT 1757-)
Dudley, Mercy
Dudley, Paul
Dudley, Capt., Roger
Dudley, Samuel (1720-30 AUG 1797)
Dudley, Samuel
Dudley, Samuel Rev. (1608-)
Dudley, Sarah
Dudley, Stephen
Dudley, Stephen
Dudley, Stephen (ABT 31 AUG 1740-)
Dudley, Susannah (ABT 1768-1817)
Dudley, Thomas (18 NOV 1766-)
Dudley, Thomas Gov (-31 JUL 1653)
Dunham, Willa Mae
Dunlap, Joseph
Dunning, Jane Catherine (ABT 1822-1848)
Dunning, Margret (1740-1814)
Durstine, Abraham (18 FEB 1800-)
Durstine, Abraham
Durstine, Jacob (3 APR 1773-25 AUG 1825)
Dushane, Andrew P. (27 AUG 1827-13 FEB 1882)
Dushane, Andrew Peterson
Dushane, Elizabeth (1819-AFT 1860)
Dushane, Frances (1811-)
Dushane, Isaac (ABT 1789-AFT 1860)
Dushane, Joseph S. (ABT 1829-FEB 1862)
Dushane, Joshua (1797-)
Dushane, Mary (1813-5 JUL 1854)
Dushane, Nancy (JUL 1816-1 MAY 1905)
Dushane, Rachel (12 MAY 1823-30 NOV 1885)
Dushane, Sarah Jane (23 AUG 1821-16 SEP 1905)
Duvall, John Cook
Dyer, Irene
Dyer, Maurice
Dyer, William
Dyer, William
Dyer, Zimri Jr.
Dyer, Zirmi P. (8 FEB 1852-3 DEC 1922)
Earel, Marguerite
Eddy, Abigail (29 SEP 1791-)
Eddy, Angelina (5 AUG 1818-22 APR 1869)
Eddy, Darius (1819-1898)
Eddy, Edwin (18 JAN 1817-6 FEB 1891)
Eddy, Eleaser (10 OCT 1790-13 MAR 1826)
Eddy, Eleazer P. (24 AUG 1821-7 OCT 1834)
Eddy, Etta
Eddy, Henry Campbell (4 AUG 1821-2 AUG 1856)
Eddy, Ibrook (1754-)
Eddy, Jonathan (1726-1804)
Eddy, Mary
Eddy, Nancy Clapp
Eddy, Nelson
Eddy, Neva
Eddy, Sabara (4 AUG 1821-)
Eddy, Timothy (12 FEB 1815-)
Eddy, Ware (1784-1852)
Eddy, Ware (31 AUG 1825-23 AUG 1885)
Edgerton, Salina
Edwards, Andrew Jr (-BEF OCT 1849)
Edwards, Anna (9 MAR 1823-18 AUG 1905)
Edwards, Susan Lee
Egan, Stevem M.
Ehro, Hannah
Eisaman, Hetie
Eisman, Lavian
Elam, Waunita May
Elder, Catherine mJohn (1817-)
Elder, Cornellia M. (1861-)
Elder, George J. (1856-)
Elder, John (1827-)
Elizabeth, Martha
Ellerman, Bonita C.
Elley, George W. (-14 JUL 1884)
Elliot, Catherine
Elliot, Frank (12 MAR 1864-18 MAR 1902)
Elliot, Virginia C. (1 NOV 1888-)
Elliott, Mary
Ellis, Jesse D. (BET 1820 AND 1821-)
Ellis, Will J.
Enox, Rebecca
Ernst, Celerg
Erret, Amanda
Eskstrom, C.
Esther, (1806-)
Evans, Hannah
Evans, Sara
Everding, Barbara Fay
Evertson, John W.
Ewen, Edward C.
Ewer, John Augustus (17 JUL 1827-1 SEP 1904)
Ewer, Orestes Dodge (23 NOV 1856-8 MAY 1897)
Ewing, Rachel (22 APR 1839-6 JAN 1923)
Fagon, Dorothy Lucille
Fairman, Alwilda (SEP 1860-)
Fairman, Charles (BET 1867 AND 1874-)
Fairman, J. Wallace (20 NOV 1828-21 JUL 1902)
Fairman, James F. S. (2 JUN 1863-)
Fairman, John Q. (ABT 1871-)
Fairman, Lillis A. (SEP 1878-)
Fairman, LoRetta Harriett (13 MAR 1854-)
Fairman, Mary Ellen (12 JAN 1859-)
Fairman, William Lincoln (15 SEP 1866-)
Fairman, child (6 MAR 1875-)
Fall, John
Farmer, Ann
Farmer, James Tattum
Farmer, Michael Lynn (30 JUL 1970-)
Farris, Archie Cone (31 JAN 1884-17 MAY 1970)
Farris, Beatrice A. (ABT 1918-)
Farris, Mary Ann (27 JUL 1919-)
Farris, Merton N. (ABT 1912-)
Farrow, Allie
Faulkner, ??
Fausold, Margaret
Featheringill, ? (BET 1825 AND 1830-)
Featheringill, Adaline L. (1847-)
Featheringill, Anna (1868-1907)
Featheringill, Arabella (1853-)
Featheringill, Elias (DEC 1789-20 JUN 1868)
Featheringill, Elizabeth
Featheringill, Elizabeth ?? ; (ABT 1720-AFT 1763)
Featheringill, Elizabeth A.
Featheringill, Elizabeth Jane (1823-)
Featheringill, Emiline (26 OCT 1820-6 APR 1897)
Featheringill, Fannie (1842-)
Featheringill, Frances (23 FEB 1836-19 JAN 1906)
Featheringill, George (1866-1925)
Featheringill, George (ABT 1715-1763)
Featheringill, George
Featheringill, George Theo (17 MAR 1845-)
Featheringill, Jackson T. (1819-7 JAN 1878)
Featheringill, John (27 JAN 1799-)
Featheringill, John David (1750-2 SEP 1823)
Featheringill, John G. (1841-)
Featheringill, Joseph (-1786)
Featheringill, Josephine (1840-)
Featheringill, Luella (1860-)
Featheringill, Margaret (1837-)
Featheringill, Martha Patsy
Featheringill, Mary
Featheringill, Mary E. (1839-)
Featheringill, Mary L. (1859-)
Featheringill, Meridith?
Featheringill, Mortimor D. (1857-)
Featheringill, Nancy (1796-)
Featheringill, Ora M.
Featheringill, Orrin T
Featheringill, Ruth Maria (30 MAR 1830-30 AUG 1896)
Featheringill, Sarah (1843-)
Featheringill, Thomas (1831-)
Featheringill, Thomas (1833-)
Featheringill, Thomas Jackson (1785-)
Featheringill, Virgil B. (1896-1954)
Featheringill, Virginia M. (1834-)
Featheringill, William (1859-)
Featheringill, William (1752-17 SEP 1828)
Featheringill, William (1790-1859)
Featheringill, Zolo
Felton, James M. (ABT 1828-2 OCT 1890)
Ferguson, Ann Jane (2 JUN 1820-10 FEB 1853)
Ferguson, Ann Maria (11 APR 1846-3 SEP 1938)
Ferguson, Clara Viola
Ferguson, John (10 SEP 1811-1 JUL 1892)
Ferry, Elizabeth (7 AUG 1837-31 OCT 1918)
Fetter, Christian (1790-1847)
Fields, Cynthia
Findley, Isabella
Finkhaus, Frederick W.
Finley, James O'neill
Finley, Margaret (17 SEP 1756-29 MAY 1836)
Finnell, John
Finnell, Simpson (1857-1936)
Fisher, Emma
Fisher, Sarah Ann (MAR 1850-1934)
Fisher, Sarah Ann (MAR 1850-1934)
Flangan, Richard
Fleer, Anna C.
Fleischbein, Theodore E.
Fleming, John (BET 1770 AND 1780-1842)
Flint, Laura A.
Flowers, Rebecca
Foibe, Mary (ABT 1742-)
Foist, Julia (ABT 1740-)
Folsom, John Dea.
Folsom, Mercy (12 APR 1691-)
Folsom, Susanna
Forbes, James Wesley
Ford, Alexander
Ford, Vivian
Forsythe, Arizona Belle (25 MAR 1860-)
Forsythe, Benjamin (16 FEB 1843-)
Forsythe, Benjamin L. (1805-APR 1886)
Forsythe, Charles (16 MAY 1862-)
Forsythe, Daniel William (7 NOV 1819-4 JUL 1879)
Forsythe, Elizabeth
Forsythe, Franklin Pierce
Forsythe, Georgia (13 JUL 1871-)
Forsythe, Hedessa (30 JUL 1801-23 SEP 1879)
Forsythe, Helena (1803-29 JUL 1853)
Forsythe, Helena
Forsythe, Joel William (22 APR 1857-)
Forsythe, John (11 JAN 1864-)
Forsythe, John B. (6 FEB 1796-24 MAY 1857)
Forsythe, Lucy Ann (16 APR 1836-31 JAN 1911)
Forsythe, Margaret (1786-26 SEP 1862)
Forsythe, Margaret (1874-1943)
Forsythe, Martha Louise (22 FEB 1848-)
Forsythe, Mary I. (1804-)
Forsythe, Mary Naomi
Forsythe, Nancy Agnes (4 JUN 1790-29 OCT 1864)
Forsythe, Peter Laughlin (31 DEC 1797-27 JUN 1868)
Forsythe, Robert
Forsythe, Robert (19 OCT 1837-)
Forsythe, Robert Blackstone
Forsythe, Robert J. (16 MAY 1794-12 FEB 1875)
Forsythe, Sarah (3 MAR 1786-11 JUN 1852)
Forsythe, Sarah A. (14 MAR 1853-)
Forsythe, Sarah Catharine
Forsythe, Serelda
Forsythe, Sonora E. (25 DEC 1864-)
Forsythe, Thomas Dick
Forsythe, Victoria (29 JAN 1869-)
Forsythe, Villette
Forsythe, Violette (1775-)
Forsythe, William (23 JUN 1792-30 JUL 1848)
Forsythe, William H.
Foster, Mary
Foulke, Mary
Fowler, Betsey
Fowler, Dena Cora (30 AUG 1869-4 NOV 1933)
Fox, Anna
Fox, Hannah (1790-4 MAY 1872)
Fox, Magdalena
Fox, Mary (1 DEC 1816-20 AUG 1905)
Francis, x
Franklin, Edward (29 SEP 1876-14 AUG 1957)
Frazier, Marie (16 JAN 1897-25 JUN 1988)
Frazier, Ursa (11 MAR 1896-)
Freeman, John W. (1839-)
Fretz, ?? mDaniel
Fretz, Abraham S. (9 DEC 1827-)
Fretz, Anna (24 FEB 1799-)
Fretz, Christian (17 APR 1762-5 APR 1849)
Fretz, Christian (17 DEC 1802-)
Fretz, Daniel (1 DEC 1792-13 JUL 1873)
Fretz, Daniel
Fretz, Daniel S. (16 JUN 1830-)
Fretz, Henry (12 MAY 1791-22 DEC 1845)
Fretz, Henry (20 OCT 1824-)
Fretz, John (25 DEC 1796-1 JAN 1867)
Fretz, John (27 SEP 1819-)
Fretz, Mary (1 JUN 1795-)
Frick, Aaron O. (1855-1922)
Frick, Anna O. (AUG 1852-1916)
Frick, Childs (12 MAR 1883-1965)
Frick, Daniel (-31 AUG 1888)
Frick, Helen Clay (3 SEP 1888-9 NOV 1984)
Frick, Henry Clay (19 DEC 1849-2 DEC 1919)
Frick, Henry Clay II (8 JUL 1892-3 AUG 1892)
Frick, Jay Edgar (1859-1932)
Frick, John Wilson
Frick, Maria Overholt (1848-)
Frick, Martha (5 AUG 1885-29 JUL 1891)
Frick, Sallie O. (1862-)
Frick, Sarah (17 APR 1820-)
Friedline, Katherine
Fry, Ada Bathilda (11 DEC 1861-12 JAN 1942)
Fry, Charles (1872-31 JUL 1903)
Fry, Charles A. (1864-)
Fry, Lewis S.
Fry, Margaret Charlotte (2 MAR 1904-)
Fry, Mary Elizabeth W. (10 OCT 1856-26 DEC 1901)
Frye, Woodson
Fulcomer, Catherine (1833-13 OCT 1899)
Fulkerth, Joseph (1792-20 JAN 1852)
Fulton, David
Furry, Isaac
Fyfe, Elizabeth (14 APR 1900-)
Gage, Poly
Gaghagen, Elisha
Gahagan, Alice M. (1859-)
Gahagan, Elisha (ABT 1836-)
Gahagan, Elizabeth (1862-1865)
Gahagan, Harry A. (1872-1875)
Gahagan, Mary Zelda (1864-)
Gahagan, William A. (1870-1871)
Gallamore, Eliza (14 FEB 1820-15 FEB 1879)
Galley, Abraham (28 SEP 1816-6 NOV 1893)
Galley, Babara (14 FEB 1814-15 APR 1891)
Galley, Catherine (16 DEC 1799-1888)
Galley, David (28 MAY 1805-20 FEB 1876)
Galley, Elizabeth Ann (3 OCT 1807-4 AUG 1858)
Galley, Henry (AFT 1816-)
Galley, Jacob (4 APR 1803-10 NOV 1829)
Galley, John (18 APR 1801-16 JAN 1888)
Galley, Jonathan (26 FEB 1812-10 JAN 1900)
Galley, Peter (10 JAN 1798-10 MAY 1865)
Galley, Philip
Galley, Samuel (23 DEC 1809-9 DEC 1899)
Gangewehr, Catherine
Gangewehr, Jacob
Gangewehr, Mary
Ganic, Ivan Robert (1919-)
Ganic, Rudolph
Ganic, Stephanie
Gant, Mary (-BET 1876 AND 1877)
Gatewood, Mary (8 FEB 1770-18 MAR 1842)
Gearhart, Mary E.
Geimer, Philip
George, Eliza (25 NOV 1811-26 FEB 1881)
Gerard, John D.
Gerber, Christena G.
Gerhardt, Charles P. (1868-1952)
Gerhardt, Dorothy Evylln (5 JAN 1906-)
Gerhardt, Lucille (22 FEB 1903-)
Gerhardt, Martha (27 JUN 1910-)
Gibson, Anna (JAN 1895-)
Gibson, Eleanor (AFT 1900-)
Gibson, Ida (AUG 1897-)
Gibson, James (NOV 1889-)
Gibson, John W. (JUN 1856-BEF 1936)
Gibson, Lucille (JUL 1887-)
Gibson, Malissa (MAY 1892-)
Gibson, Ralph (JUN 1885-)
Gifford, Bedford (ABT 1827-)
Gifford, Mary Ann (-1853)
Gildersleeve, Thomas
Gillenwater, Amanda Alice
Gilliland, Jane
Gillis, Mary
Gillon, Rosa Jane (13 DEC 1880-17 FEB 1968)
Gilman, Alvin B. (1808-)
Gilman, Alvin B. (4 OCT 1801-18 AUG 1839)
Gilman, Anna Morse (24 MAY 1806-)
Gilman, Bela (15 SEP 1816-)
Gilman, Bela (21 AUG 1795-)
Gilman, Bridget
Gilman, Calab (ABT 1678-)
Gilman, Caleb (24 MAY 1804-)
Gilman, Caroline (SEP 1828-)
Gilman, Carry Gertrude
Gilman, Daniel (1652-)
Gilman, Daniel (ABT 23 JAN 1742/43-)
Gilman, Darius Forbes
Gilman, Dean Gist (15 APR 1954-)
Gilman, Dolly (ABT 14 AUG 1748-8 SEP 1750)
Gilman, Dolly (ABT 24 AUG 1755-21 OCT 1849)
Gilman, Doris L. (28 JUL 1914-8 JUL 2008)
Gilman, Dudley (13 SEP 1773-)
Gilman, Edward I
Gilman, Edward II
Gilman, Edward III
Gilman, Edward IV
Gilman, Edward V (1648-)
Gilman, Eliza (26 MAR 1820-1910)
Gilman, Elizabeth (7 AUG 1727-)
Gilman, Elizabeth (10 NOV 1790-)
Gilman, Elvira (13 DEC 1814-1903)
Gilman, Emily J. (1868-)
Gilman, Emma (1868-)
Gilman, Emma Adelaide
Gilman, Ermerline (1829-11 JAN 1833)
Gilman, Esmer Perry (1876-)
Gilman, George LaGrave (1 JAN 1849-)
Gilman, Harriet G. (1827-3 APR 1836)
Gilman, Helen M. (1834-7 JUL 1834)
Gilman, Israel (13 JUN 1775-)
Gilman, Jacob (1682-)
Gilman, Joan Lee (13 APR 1962-)
Gilman, Joanna (30 APR 1788-)
Gilman, John (ABT 12 MAY 1745-)
Gilman, John
Gilman, John (15 MAR 1706/07-30 OCT 1765)
Gilman, John (1650-)
Gilman, John H. (6 JUN 1784-)
Gilman, John Hon.
Gilman, Jonathan (31 MAY 1763-)
Gilman, Joseph (29 JUL 1781-)
Gilman, Joseph (24 SEP 1803-)
Gilman, Joseph A. (1835-3 FEB 1836)
Gilman, Joseph Alvin (DEC 1839-17 MAR 1913)
Gilman, Joseph Butters (29 SEP 1879-23 JUL 1941)
Gilman, Joseph Cammett
Gilman, Joseph H. (6 SEP 1810-)
Gilman, Julia Augusta
Gilman, Lawrence
Gilman, Lydia
Gilman, Martha Ann
Gilman, Mary (8 APR 1779-)
Gilman, Mary
Gilman, Mary C. (28 NOV 1809-)
Gilman, Mary Ellen 'Ellen M' (13 JUL 1845-25 FEB 1924)
Gilman, May E (1847-)
Gilman, Merit (2 FEB 1806-)
Gilman, Molly
Gilman, Moses
Gilman, Nan Louise (26 MAY 1946-)
Gilman, Nathaniel (ABT 5 APR 1741-)
Gilman, Nicholas (ABT 31 OCT 1736-30 APR 1786)
Gilman, Perry (3 FEB 1808-20 APR 1873)
Gilman, Phineas (ABT 24 AUG 1755-21 NOV 1756)
Gilman, Polly (21 JAN 1795-8 JAN 1850)
Gilman, Robert
Gilman, Ruth (13 NOV 1797-1850)
Gilman, Sabra (14 NOV 1818-)
Gilman, Samuel (25 APR 1786-)
Gilman, Samuel Stevens (9 DEC 1750-)
Gilman, Sarah (1622-)
Gilman, Sarah (ABT 21 JUN 1752-)
Gilman, Sarah (ABT 10 SEP 1738-26 AUG 1748)
Gilman, Sarah (25 FEB 1666/67-)
Gilman, Sarah (24 JAN 1775-)
Gilman, Sarah Ann (11 JUN 1811-)
Gilman, Sarah Francis D. (1829-)
Gilman, Sarah Jane
Gilman, Sophia (29 JAN 1793-)
Gilman, Stephen (5 APR 1777-)
Gilman, Susanna (10 NOV 1790-)
Gilman, Susanna (23 MAY 1813-)
Gilman, Susanna (10 MAR 1804-)
Gilman, Theresa (1 OCT 1799-8 APR 1872)
Gilman, Todd Lloyd (27 APR 1950-)
Gilman, Vernon Lloyd (5 JUL 1922-)
Gilman, Walter Kidder
Gilman, Walter Perry (1 MAR 1878-4 JAN 1963)
Gilman, Ward Kepler (14 OCT 1919-)
Gilmore, Alfred Cooper (ABT 1848-)
Gilmore, Ann
Gilmore, Anna Mary (25 MAR 1854-)
Gilmore, Catherine Charlotte (6 MAY 1844-)
Gilmore, Christian
Gilmore, David Shaw (27 AUG 1847-1882)
Gilmore, Elizabeth A. (21 OCT 1837-)
Gilmore, Francis
Gilmore, George Washington (17 MAR 1841-1878)
Gilmore, Harriett Clara (2 SEP 1858-1884)
Gilmore, Isaac Jr.
Gilmore, Isaac T.III (8 MAY 1814-18 NOV 1888)
Gilmore, Issac Sr. (2 FEB 1743/44-14 APR 1822)
Gilmore, Jacob
Gilmore, John
Gilmore, John Colestock (ABT 1810-)
Gilmore, John Lester (5 DEC 1850-)
Gilmore, Joseph Winfield (4 JAN 1853-)
Gilmore, Magdaline (1787-11 JUL 1851)
Gilmore, Margaret (ABT 1835-)
Gilmore, Mary (28 JAN 1777-5 APR 1847)
Gilmore, Michael (13 DEC 1789-ABT 1844)
Gilmore, Nathan T. (15 NOV 1845-17 MAR 1906)
Gilmore, Robert Goble (21 JAN 1856-)
Gilmore, Sidney C. (8 OCT 1842-1876)
Gilmore, Vance S. (11 MAY 1839-FEB 1905)
Gilson, John Nelson
Gist, Andrew (1 JUN 1794-)
Gist, Anne (24 FEB 1774-)
Gist, Arthur Montgomery (28 JUN 1853-)
Gist, Catherine B. (26 APR 1846-)
Gist, Charles (5 MAY 1857-)
Gist, Christopher
Gist, Christopher (ABT 1705-)
Gist, Constant (ABT 1765-)
Gist, David Captain (29 APR 1753-3 AUG 1820)
Gist, Edith (ABT 1709-)
Gist, Elizabeth (24 DEC 1736-)
Gist, Elizabeth (1832-)
Gist, Elizabeth (ABT 1757-)
Gist, Emily E.B. (ABT 1821-BEF 1850)
Gist, Federal Ann Bonaparte (14 AUG 1797-)
Gist, Florence (7 AUG 1907-)
Gist, George Washington (22 FEB 1844-)
Gist, George Washington Brig Gen (18 DEC 1795-21 NOV 1854)
Gist, Harriet (7 JUN 1790-)
Gist, Harriet Ann (1834-)
Gist, Henson Lewis (ABT 1745-)
Gist, Independent (8 JAN 1779-)
Gist, James Harvey (29 DEC 1775-)
Gist, Jemima (ABT 1714-)
Gist, John (ABT 1722-)
Gist, John (ABT 1853-)
Gist, John Captain (22 NOV 1738-16 JUL 1800)
Gist, John Cockey (6 OCT 1825-6 MAR 1899)
Gist, John Cockey (5 JAN 1893-)
Gist, John Cockey Jr. (25 MAY 1925-)
Gist, John M. (3 APR 1792-)
Gist, John Milo (17 DEC 1842-)
Gist, Joseph B. (3 AUG 1836-13 FEB 1840)
Gist, Josha (15 SEP 1792-)
Gist, Joshua Colonel (16 OCT 1747-17 NOV 1839)
Gist, Levi J. (8 SEP 1790-)
Gist, Levia Ann (MAR 1850-)
Gist, Malta Ann (19 JUL 1838-13 FEB 1840)
Gist, Maltha Ann (20 JUL 1807-2 FEB 1887)
Gist, Margaret (25 AUG 1796-22 MAY 1873)
Gist, Maria (15 JUL 1799-)
Gist, Marium (4 JUN 1848-)
Gist, Mary (1743-)
Gist, Mary Ellen (JAN 1836-)
Gist, Mary Emma (20 MAR 1855-)
Gist, Mary Jean (26 MAY 1920-19 AUG 1999)
Gist, Mary Morton (19 SEP 1840-1 APR 1904)
Gist, Maud (17 JAN 1870-2 DEC 1942)
Gist, Milo (2 SEP 1802-6 JAN 1868)
Gist, Minnie (29 SEP 1859-27 MAR 1888)
Gist, Mordecai (20 JUN 1782-)
Gist, Mordecai General (22 FEB 1741/42-)
Gist, Nancy (ABT 1748-)
Gist, Nancy B (15 OCT 1803-29 MAY 1830)
Gist, Nathaniel (ABT 1750-)
Gist, Nathaniel (ABT 1707-)
Gist, Polly Julia (3 JAN 1784-)
Gist, Rachel (17 MAR 1778-)
Gist, Rachel (7 SEP 1750-)
Gist, Richard (1 NOV 1745-17 NOV 1746)
Gist, Richard (1683-22 AUG 1741)
Gist, Ruth (ABT 1716-)
Gist, Sarah (27 JUN 1788-)
Gist, Sarah (ABT 1724-)
Gist, Sarah (ABT 1763-)
Gist, Susannah (21 MAR 1780-)
Gist, Thomas (ABT 1747-)
Gist, Thomas (1 APR 1786-)
Gist, Thomas Colonel (13 JUL 1712-)
Gist, Thomas Colonel Jr (30 MAR 1741-22 NOV 1813)
Gist, Violet (13 MAR 1755-)
Gist, Walter (29 NOV 1865-1929)
Gist, William (FEB 1760-25 APR 1834)
Gist, William (ABT 1711-)
Gist, William (4 JUL 1861-5 NOV 1936)
Gist, William H.H. (ABT 1823-)
Gist, William Nathaniel (22 APR 1811-28 JUN 1853)
Givans, James T.
Glover, Emily (ABT 1837-1911)
Gochenauer, Elmer (11 AUG 1863-)
Gochenauer, Ephriam (12 NOV 1853-)
Gochenauer, Levi C. (8 MAY 1826-8 MAY 1866)
Gochenauer, Rufus (16 SEP 1860-)
Gochenauer, Virginia (3 JAN 1856-)
Goe, Daniel B.
Goe, Dorcas
Goe, Nathan B.
Goe, Nelly
Goe, Noble
Goe, Philip (24 MAR 1767-MAR 1805)
Goe, Tarleton
Goe, William
Goertz, John
Gongaware, Amos John (1841-ABT 1874)
Gongaware, Annie m1Stiener
Gongaware, Catharine
Gongaware, Catharine mMichael (-22 MAR 1829)
Gongaware, Catherine
Gongaware, Eliza (1835-)
Gongaware, Eliza Jane
Gongaware, Elizabeth (1867-)
Gongaware, Elizabeth
Gongaware, Elizabeth Jane (1840-)
Gongaware, Emma Louise (1872-)
Gongaware, Frederick
Gongaware, Hannah
Gongaware, Hatty
Gongaware, Hezekiah
Gongaware, Infant
Gongaware, Jacob (SEP 1799-)
Gongaware, Jacob
Gongaware, Jeremiah
Gongaware, John (1829-)
Gongaware, John
Gongaware, John
Gongaware, John Joseph Little (1875-)
Gongaware, John P.
Gongaware, Jonas (1840-)
Gongaware, Jonas (1842-)
Gongaware, Jonas (1794-)
Gongaware, Joseph (1804-)
Gongaware, Lebous (1845-)
Gongaware, Lewis (9 SEP 1839-)
Gongaware, Lewis (1837-)
Gongaware, Lulu R. (1884-)
Gongaware, Lydia (1841-)
Gongaware, Lydia
Gongaware, Lydia
Gongaware, Lydia A. (1865-)
Gongaware, Margaret
Gongaware, Margaret
Gongaware, Margaret
Gongaware, Margaret (1826-)
Gongaware, Maria E. (1846-12 JAN 1889)
Gongaware, Mary (1828-)
Gongaware, Mary Alice
Gongaware, Mary T. (1877-)
Gongaware, Michael
Gongaware, Michael (1730-26 OCT 1826)
Gongaware, Obidiah
Gongaware, Peter (3 NOV 1796-17 MAR 1879)
Gongaware, Peter (1824-)
Gongaware, Philip (1826-)
Gongaware, Philip G. (1760-18 JAN 1829)
Gongaware, Philip P. (21 FEB 1829-)
Gongaware, Rose (1870-)
Gongaware, Samuel Logan
Gongaware, Sarah
Gongaware, Sarah
Gongaware, Sarah (1837-)
Gongaware, Sarah
Gongaware, Sarah (1836-)
Good, Catherine
Goodale, Melissa
Gooden, Bettye
Goodwin, Blanche R. (13 NOV 1873-)
Goodwin, Patience
Gorden, Patience
Gore, Prisilla (27 NOV 1814-)
Grady, Robert
Graff, Ann (22 FEB 1800-14 NOV 1875)
Graff, Henry (27 MAY 1794-9 SEP 1855)
Graff, John
Graff, Matthew (1812-1902)
Graff, Peter (21 JAN 1808-9 AUG 1890)
Graff, Sebastian
Grant, Eliza
Grant, Elizabeth (28 AUG 1766-)
Grant, Hannah (30 MAR 1771-)
Grant, Israel (14 DEC 1756-OCT 1796)
Grant, Israel Boone
Grant, James
Grant, James
Grant, James M.
Grant, John (30 JAN 1754-11 NOV 1825)
Grant, John
Grant, Keturah
Grant, Mary
Grant, Mary (22 SEP 1753-)
Grant, Moses (3 OCT 1768-)
Grant, Phoebe (1804-8 AUG 1858)
Grant, Rebecca Boone (4 JUN 1774-7 DEC 1858)
Grant, Samuel (26 NOV 1762-)
Grant, Samuel Moseby Col (1 OCT 1794-)
Grant, Sarah (25 JAN 1759-28 MAR 1816)
Grant, Squire Capt (14 SEP 1764-)
Grant, William
Grant, William
Grant, William
Grant, William II (1726-22 JAN 1804)
Grant, William III (10 JAN 1761-20 FEB 1814)
Grant, William IV
Gray, Erma
Greaver, John C.
Greece, Margaret (28 DEC 1907-)
Green, George
Gress, Daniel
Griffn, Charles
Grim, Catharina (31 MAY 1730-31 JUL 1803)
Grim, Egidius
Grim, Elizabeth (15 MAR 1729/30-ABT 1773)
Grimes, Abraham (1 JAN 1800-31 DEC 1887)
Grimes, Abram Alexander (19 JAN 1863-13 MAR 1919)
Grimes, Adaline (11 NOV 1841-)
Grimes, Addie (1876-)
Grimes, Alonzo (1841-)
Grimes, Barbara Ann (14 DEC 1813-24 FEB 1893)
Grimes, Beverly (5 SEP 1952-)
Grimes, Blanche (ABT 1890-1970)
Grimes, Catherine (1818-)
Grimes, Clara (17 FEB 1843-)
Grimes, Cora Alice (20 OCT 1894-)
Grimes, Dean Elmo (2 SEP 1923-)
Grimes, Edward (4 APR 1852-22 MAR 1932)
Grimes, Eldon LeRoy (20 JUL 1917-25 JAN 1969)
Grimes, Elizabeth (2 MAY 1855-14 DEC 1874)
Grimes, Ellen (10 MAR 1854-14 JUL 1892)
Grimes, Ervers (1878-)
Grimes, Ethel
Grimes, Florence Edith (11 JAN 1880-25 AUG 1951)
Grimes, Frank
Grimes, Franklin (11 SEP 1847-)
Grimes, George (1857-)
Grimes, George W. (ABT 1860-)
Grimes, Harold Charles (25 NOV 1894-1985)
Grimes, Harriet (2 SEP 1844-11 SEP 1845)
Grimes, Henry E. (1832-19 FEB 1890)
Grimes, Jacob Wesley (20 MAY 1827-19 FEB 1910)
Grimes, James Edward
Grimes, James Franklin (15 SEP 1829-12 APR 1899)
Grimes, James R. (1869-)
Grimes, Jerald D. Jr.
Grimes, John (27 NOV 1784-11 FEB 1874)
Grimes, John S. (1839-)
Grimes, John Wesley (ABT 1866-)
Grimes, John Wesley
Grimes, Lester Daniel
Grimes, Lilbourn (6 FEB 1846-)
Grimes, Linda Sue (29 SEP 1947-)
Grimes, Lucy J (1859-)
Grimes, Marilyn Elizabeth (16 APR 1924-)
Grimes, Martha (25 JUN 1857-5 DEC 1873)
Grimes, Mary Ann (-1864)
Grimes, Mary Belle (24 FEB 1877-21 NOV 1940)
Grimes, Mary E. (19 NOV 1849-)
Grimes, Mary Jane (10 OCT 1818-25 MAR 1901)
Grimes, Maurice (13 MAR 1921-)
Grimes, Maurice Kent (16 MAY 1945-)
Grimes, Melissa J. (1834-)
Grimes, Nannette Jane (25 JUN 1953-)
Grimes, Nathaniel Edward (9 APR 1975-)
Grimes, Nellie
Grimes, Paul Wilbur (15 OCT 1902-)
Grimes, Rachel (DEC 1859-)
Grimes, Rebecca Elnora (5 MAR 1838-11 MAR 1914)
Grimes, Rita (5 JUN 1957-)
Grimes, Samuel S. (8 AUG 1820-9 JUN 1898)
Grimes, Sandra Lynn (24 NOV 1949-)
Grimes, Sanford (5 DEC 1858-)
Grimes, Sarah E. (ABT 1857-)
Grimes, Stephen (ABT 1856-)
Grimes, Susan (2 OCT 1852-9 OCT 1859)
Grimes, Terry Dean (19 NOV 1946-)
Grimes, Unknown Ma
Grimes, William (1857-)
Grimes, William Bradford (27 JUL 1860-1936)
Grimesma, Unknown F
Grimmer, Albert (1875-)
Grimmer, Amanda (1866-)
Grimmer, Andrew
Grimmer, Arlo (28 OCT 1899-JUL 1966)
Grimmer, Charles (1874-)
Grimmer, Charles (1867-)
Grimmer, Christine
Grimmer, Edward (1869-)
Grimmer, Elizabeth
Grimmer, Florinda (1872-)
Grimmer, George (1864-)
Grimmer, Henry A. (1831-)
Grimmer, Henry A. Jr. (1860-)
Grimmer, John
Grimmer, John Andrew (1795-9 JAN 1871)
Grimmer, Josephine (1862-)
Grimmer, Lena (1873-)
Grimmer, Louise (1868-)
Grimmer, Marie
Grimmer, Martin
Grimmer, Matilda A. (1865-)
Grimmer, Minnie (1858-)
Grimmer, Mollie (1862-)
Grimmer, Simon (1839-)
Grimmer, Walter (1877-)
Groshong, William
Gross, Lydia
Grover, Phineas
Grover, Rachel (10 JAN 1744/45-)
Groves, Daniel
Groves, Elenory (1863-7 FEB 1865)
Groves, Emily G. (1860-4 FEB 1879)
Groves, George W. (1856-1921)
Groves, John P. (-22 MAR 1881)
Groves, Joseph
Groves, Joseph H. (OCT 1859-22 SEP 1859)
Groves, Martha R. (1862-)
Groves, Mary E. (1855-)
Groves, Ursula
Groves, Vesta (14 JAN 1895-9 NOV 1897)
Groves, William D. Dr (18 APR 1862-1925)
Grow, Eliza J. (1 AUG 1851-)
Grow, Francis Ann ?? mJohn
Grow, John
Grubb, Emily Caroloine (28 MAY 1852-1 AUG 1879)
Grubb, George W. (19 MAR 1837-10 DEC 1910)
Grubb, Jonah
Grubb, Jonas (4 NOV 1787-)
Grubb, Mary (26 MAY 1887-8 OCT 1972)
Gunn, Allen Lee (19 SEP 1960-)
Gunn, Michael Thomas (11 MAY 1957-)
Gunn, Thomas Lee
Guptovo, Stephen
Guthrie, Maggie Ann
Habben, Anna Marie (1908-1977)
Hackburne, Elizabeth
Hackburne, Hannah
Hackburne, John
Hackburne, Samuel
Hackburne, Samuel
Hacke, Rebecca
Hacker, Jesse F.
Haen, John
Hair, Greer (1822-5 JUL 1906)
Hair, Winifield (1832-)
Hale, Laura J.
Hall, ?
Hall, James
Hall, Mary Ann (22 AUG 1846-17 OCT 1929)
Hamilton, Benjamin Alexander (14 NOV 1900-)
Hamilton, Edna M. (26 OCT 1897-30 NOV 1983)
Hammond, Matthais
Hammond, Rebecca (1767-18 APR 1827)
Hammond, Rezin
Hammond, Rezin
Hanks, Nancy
Hanley, Nellie
Hanson, William E. (ABT 1820-)
Harader, Sarah
Harris, Amanda (12 JUL 1843-19 SEP 1860)
Harris, Daniel Wilson (9 SEP 1829-)
Harris, David Rice (15 NOV 1840-3 NOV 1920)
Harris, Elizabeth Ann (26 MAR 1846-)
Harris, Ella Jane (1 MAY 1863-24 FEB 1952)
Harris, James Hughs (18 AUG 1856-)
Harris, John Moses (7 APR 1803-16 SEP 1881)
Harris, John William (2 MAR 1854-)
Harris, Martha (30 SEP 1838-17 AUG 1926)
Harris, Martha Ann (31 MAY 1865-20 MAY 1939)
Harris, Mary Ann (20 DEC 1835-21 NOV 1838)
Harris, Melissa (1871-)
Harris, Minnie M. (18 FEB 1873-20 OCT 1952)
Harris, Samuel
Harris, Sarah Jane (6 DEC 1832-23 JAN 1902)
Harris, Thomas Wilson (27 DEC 1849-24 OCT 1872)
Harrison, Gregory
Harrison, Henry S. (1859-1933)
Harrold, Hannah (1809-)
Harsman, Richard
Hartman, Jean
Harvey, James
Harvey, James
Harvey, Sarah (2 NOV 1755-6 JUN 1827)
Harvie, Elizabeth
Haskell, Beulah Peal (1 NOV 1910-20 MAR 2000)
Haskell, Fred M.
Haskell, Raymond
Hauger, Merle Dillon (23 JUN 1914-5 DEC 1988)
Hausman, ?
Havens, Samuel
Hawkins, Rebecca
Hay, Daniel
Hay, Maria Barbara (12 APR 1780-)
Hay, Samuel
Hay, Susannah (28 MAY 1830-1 AUG 1868)
Haydon, Mary E.
Hayes, Mary Lou (28 JUN 1929-)
Hays, Boone (1783-)
Hays, Daniel
Hays, Delinda
Hays, Elizabeth (12 JUN 1776-)
Hays, Greenup
Hays, Jemima (31 AUG 1778-)
Hays, Jesse (-BEF 1817)
Hays, Mahala
Hays, Polly H.
Hays, Susannah
Hays, William
Hays, William Jr. (-1845)


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