Family Tree Names
Stairs, Adam (12 NOV 1819-14 APR 1861)
Stairs, Adam A. (-NOV 1889)
Stairs, Albert (19 APR 1900-)
Stairs, Anna Mary (11 APR 1878-20 JUL 1952)
Stairs, Anne Elizabeth
Stairs, Barbara
Stairs, Bert Sell (1876-4 JAN 1959)
Stairs, Bessie Maude
Stairs, Caroline (1843-)
Stairs, Catherine (1841-)
Stairs, Catherine (6 FEB 1816-6 OCT 1887)
Stairs, Catherine (12 MAR 1790-)
Stairs, Catherine (1833-)
Stairs, Charles Mechling (10 JUN 1873-18 AUG 1952)
Stairs, Clara Belle
Stairs, Clara Gertrude
Stairs, Edward Milton (25 SEP 1869-15 SEP 1902)
Stairs, Eli (31 OCT 1842-18 FEB 1917)
Stairs, Elizabeth (16 APR 1822-20 DEC 1846)
Stairs, Elizabeth (1801-)
Stairs, Elizabeth (1846-)
Stairs, Elizabeth Carry (17 AUG 1881-)
Stairs, Ella Mary (2 DEC 1879-)
Stairs, Elmer (1874-1948)
Stairs, Elmer
Stairs, Ethel Fern
Stairs, George E. (1877-)
Stairs, George H. (1845-14 DEC 1889)
Stairs, George Marcellus (21 NOV 1896-23 OCT 1958)
Stairs, Grace Lorene
Stairs, Harry A. (9 MAY 1875-19 FEB 1962)
Stairs, Harvey (1867-31 MAR 1958)
Stairs, Henry Mechling (8 SEP 1893-)
Stairs, Homer (JUN 1885-JUN 1885)
Stairs, Jacob C. (1804-23 AUG 1888)
Stairs, Jacob J. (26 MAR 1831-29 JAN 1901)
Stairs, Jacob M. (10 MAY 1830-23 OCT 1875)
Stairs, Jacob P. (3 JAN 1817-21 DEC 1887)
Stairs, James W. (1848-5 FEB 1913)
Stairs, Jeremiah (1842-)
Stairs, John (1876-26 APR 1983)
Stairs, John (28 JUN 1793-29 SEP 1872)
Stairs, John (26 MAY 1827-11 JAN 1877)
Stairs, Jonas Mechling (26 MAY 1851-18 JUN 1937)
Stairs, Joseph (13 APR 1874-1 FEB 1881)
Stairs, Joseph Harry (13 NOV 1901-10 JUN 1976)
Stairs, Kate E. (1870-1940)
Stairs, Lawrence E. (4 APR 1891-6 AUG 1891)
Stairs, Lewis (1879-25 FEB 1881)
Stairs, Louise A. (4 MAY 1889-)
Stairs, Lucinda (1841-)
Stairs, Lydia Anne
Stairs, Mabel (20 JUN 1893-)
Stairs, Margaret (1793-)
Stairs, Margaret (6 OCT 1829-27 JUN 1884)
Stairs, Martha M. (1874-)
Stairs, Mary (1839-)
Stairs, Mary Catherine (9 JUN 1850-17 SEP 1883)
Stairs, Mary P. (31 AUG 1841-)
Stairs, Mary mPhilip (1802-6 FEB 1845)
Stairs, Mazie Mary (26 JAN 1883-12 NOV 1958)
Stairs, Minnie R. (JUN 1873-1970)
Stairs, Myra Orion (8 MAY 1871-14 NOV 1889)
Stairs, Nancy (1836-13 MAR 1913)
Stairs, Nancy (1810-)
Stairs, Newton M. (27 DEC 1884-27 SEP 1896)
Stairs, Newton M. (27 DEC 1884-27 SEP 1896)
Stairs, Paul F. (17 JUN 1874-)
Stairs, Pauline L. (2 DEC 1885-21 DEC 1959)
Stairs, Rebecca (1848-)
Stairs, Ruben Freeman (17 DEC 1865-)
Stairs, Sadie (10 DEC 1894-)
Stairs, Samuel (6 JUL 1811-1864)
Stairs, Sara (31 DEC 1839-6 OCT 1919)
Stairs, William W (25 MAY 1884-)
Stall, Eldon
Stall, Larry (20 OCT 1964-)
Stambach, Anna Marguretta
Stants, Wendell Lloyd (24 APR 1911-23 JAN 1990)
Starman, Glenn C.
Starman, Glenna E. (19 OCT 1944-)
Stauffer, Abraham (1810-)
Stauffer, Abraham
Stauffer, Abraham O. (22 FEB 1786-)
Stauffer, Annie (5 FEB 1798-9 OCT 1865)
Stauffer, Barbara (15 JUL 1773-6 SEP 1847)
Stauffer, Christian (1 DEC 1777-6 JUL 1852)
Stauffer, Christian (15 DEC 1809-)
Stauffer, Elizabeth (19 JAN 1794-)
Stauffer, Elizabeth (30 AUG 1804-4 NOV 1842)
Stauffer, Esther (11 JAN 1800-11 DEC 1860)
Stauffer, Francis
Stauffer, John W. (1788-)
Stauffer, Maria (13 JUL 1791-1 NOV 1874)
Stauffer, Martin (31 AUG 1780-8 MAR 1869)
Stauffer, Mary (ABT 1813-)
Stauffer, Nancy Ann (16 DEC 1775-)
Stauffer, Sarah (18 FEB 1816-)
Steel, Hazel F.
Steele, Christina
Steer, Barnett
Steer, Catherine
Steer, Conrad (-1841)
Steer, Jacob (-1815)
Steer, Philip (12 MAR 1790-6 DEC 1874)
Steiner, Mary J.
Stephens, Rebecca
Sterns, Elvira
Sterrett, Mary
Steshoski, Mary Jane
Stevens, Samuel
Stevens, Sarah
Stevenson, Eleanor
Stevenson, Elizabeth
Stevenson, Margaret
Stevenson, Susannah (1829-1879)
Stewart, Grace M. (2 MAR 1884-)
Stewart, Ida Mea (20 JUN 1859-1 AUG 1920)
Stewart, John H.
Stewart, Oliver Rex (28 OCT 1890-20 FEB 1958)
Stiener, Annie
Stiles, Flora E. (1850-1930)
Stilliman, Wyllys Augustus
Stillman, Charles O.
Stillman, Wyllys
Stillwagon, J. W.
Stine, Clara (1817-AFT 1880)
Stine, Conrad
Stine, Daniel (1861-)
Stine, David (1867-)
Stine, Elizabeth (1868-)
Stine, Mary A m1Conrad
Stipe, Maysie V. (1885-1952)
Stockhecke, ?
Stockhecke, Aaron
Stockhecke, Arthur (30 DEC 1898-9 NOV 1983)
Stockhecke, August H. (17 DEC 1879-3 OCT 1968)
Stockhecke, August Harvey (22 JUL 1950-8 FEB 1951)
Stockhecke, August W. (1870-1943)
Stockhecke, Bessie W. R. (1907-1927)
Stockhecke, Carl H. J. (6 JUN 1909-SEP 1974)
Stockhecke, Charles H. (20 NOV 1911-1953)
Stockhecke, Curtis (20 NOV 1911-4 MAR 1988)
Stockhecke, Dorothy A. (1912-)
Stockhecke, Earl E. (20 NOV 1915-28 MAR 2002)
Stockhecke, Edward (1875-1948)
Stockhecke, Edward J. (1887-)
Stockhecke, Ester V. (1908-)
Stockhecke, Ethel (1 MAY 1916-5 MAY 1947)
Stockhecke, Freda E. (1917-)
Stockhecke, Frederick A. (10 MAY 1912-2 OCT 1912)
Stockhecke, Frederick W. (17 DEC 1905-21 DEC 1905)
Stockhecke, Grace C. (1916-)
Stockhecke, Henry (1849-)
Stockhecke, Herman H.
Stockhecke, Herman P. (1867-1936)
Stockhecke, Irma W. (1921-)
Stockhecke, Lawrence (1893-1948)
Stockhecke, Lloyd J (1916-)
Stockhecke, Mary C. (28 JUN 1915-MAR 1981)
Stockhecke, Mother
Stockhecke, Raymond A. W. (1 MAR 1917-4 FEB 1968)
Stockhecke, Ruth Wilma (2 MAR 1918-27 APR 1918)
Stollar, Bert Lee (-5 MAY 1940)
Stollar, Grace Louise (1920-)
Stone, Daniel
Stone, Edward
Stone, Sarah
Stoner, Abraham
Stoner, Abraham
Stoner, Agnes
Stoner, Anna
Stoner, Barbara
Stoner, Barbara
Stoner, Caleb R.
Stoner, Christian (15 SEP 1811-16 JAN 1892)
Stoner, Christian II (-1814)
Stoner, Christian III (10 OCT 1793-)
Stoner, Christian S.
Stoner, Daniel
Stoner, Daniel
Stoner, David
Stoner, David
Stoner, Elizabeth (1837-)
Stoner, Elizabeth
Stoner, Elizabeth
Stoner, Henry
Stoner, Henry
Stoner, Isaac F.
Stoner, Jacob
Stoner, Jacob
Stoner, John
Stoner, John W.
Stoner, Martin (AFT 1835-)
Stoner, Martin S.
Stoner, Mary (ABT 1816-)
Stoner, Rebecca
Stoner, Sarah
Stonestreet, Sarah (19 AUG 1799-4 JAN 1870)
Stouffer, Abraham (1835-)
Stouffer, Catharine (1830-)
Strickler, Matilda
Strickler, Nancy
Strode, Martha
Strother, Elizabeth (ABT 1774-)
Stuart, Elizabeth (28 SEP 1810-NOV 1893)
Sturgeon, Jane (1808-19 DEC 1872)
Summerhill, Samuel
Summy, Andrew J. (-ABT 1873)
Summy, Elizabeth O. (22 AUG 1850-28 SEP 1889)
Suytar, Charles E.
Suytar, Jennifer Maria (2 JAN 1961-)
Suytar, Kathryn Pricilla (5 DEC 1950-)
Suytar, Pamela Christine (29 AUG 1943-)
Swan, ?? ??mRose
Swanson, Mary (-BEF 1870)
Tague, Vera Ann
Tallman, Benjamin
Tallman, William
Tapley, Elizabeth (1833-)
Tarr, Alta May (17 NOV 1879-)
Tarr, Azariah (24 MAY 1815-)
Tarr, Cecelia A. (APR 1860-)
Tarr, Charles (28 JUL 1759-8 DEC 1836)
Tarr, Charles (22 SEP 1850-1925)
Tarr, Eleanora (3 DEC 1872-1956)
Tarr, Elizabeth
Tarr, Ellen (12 OCT 1816-)
Tarr, Ester (ABT 1727-)
Tarr, George (24 MAY 1815-)
Tarr, Iva L. (1866-)
Tarr, James (30 OCT 1798-)
Tarr, James F. (1834-)
Tarr, John (ABT 1731-)
Tarr, John (ABT 1684-)
Tarr, John (ABT 1654-1695)
Tarr, John (1759-)
Tarr, John (12 APR 1790-)
Tarr, John Bishop (4 MAR 1801-)
Tarr, John W. (1845-)
Tarr, Lucinda (1845-)
Tarr, Margaret Alice (1855-)
Tarr, Maria Francis (8 OCT 1843-21 MAY 1845)
Tarr, Maria S. (5 MAY 1812-18 FEB 1869)
Tarr, Martha E. (1841-1923)
Tarr, Mary (ABT 1729-)
Tarr, Mary F.
Tarr, Mary Jane (1835-)
Tarr, Mary Polly
Tarr, Michael (ABT 1682-1751)
Tarr, Nancy (15 APR 1804-)
Tarr, Orville Browning (26 SEP 1857-26 SEP 1861)
Tarr, Sally (22 JUN 1806-)
Tarr, Sally Ann (14 MAY 1837-31 DEC 1861)
Tarr, Samuel (UNKNOWN-1741)
Tarr, Sarah
Tarr, Sarah A. (1838-)
Tarr, Tabitha (ABT 1723-)
Tarr, Walia Orr (UNKNOWN-)
Tarr, William R. (4 JAN 1810-10 DEC 1878)
Tatman, Albert (15 JAN 1873-)
Tatman, Alice (8 APR 1867-20 AUG 1869)
Tatman, Eliazabeth (17 NOV 1800-25 OCT 1887)
Tatman, Emma (2 MAR 1868-)
Tatman, Fanny (31 AUG 1870-)
Tatman, Francis (20 JAN 1863-)
Tatman, Harry (ABT 1875-)
Tatman, Lillian (21 SEP 1861-)
Tatman, Silas Yager (1826-1909)
Taylor, Adam Clarence (12 MAY 1811-3 APR 1875)
Taylor, Alice (ABT 1865-)
Taylor, Clarence (4 DEC 1852-19 FEB 1926)
Taylor, Edward (8 JUN 1886-21 MAY 1956)
Taylor, Emily (1838-)
Taylor, Frank P. (1882-1971)
Taylor, Henry (ABT 1819-BEF 1880)
Taylor, James (1850-UNKNOWN)
Taylor, Jane Anne (12 MAR 1830-5 MAY 1904)
Taylor, Jennie (ABT 1861-)
Taylor, John (1837-)
Taylor, Margaret Mary
Taylor, Martina (22 NOV 1846-13 MAY 1908)
Taylor, Milton (ABT 1871-)
Taylor, Nancy J (1849-UNKNOWN)
Taylor, Priscilla (1841-)
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, Robert A.
Taylor, Sarah Ann (17 OCT 1814-10 JAN 1892)
Taylor, Susan May (MAR 1854-10 JAN 1929)
Taylor, William (1843-)
Taylor, William (ABT 1857-)
Teichert, Apolph
Thayer, Ed
Thing, Elizabeth
Thomas, John Joseph Jr.
Thomas, John Joseph Sr. (28 APR 1890-1 MAR 1970)
Thomas, Mary Annie
Thomas, Mary E. (1858-)
Thomas, Robert O. (10 JAN 1860-30 MAR 1933)
Thomas, Susannah
Thompson, Andrew Finelyh (1791-20 APR 1825)
Thompson, Anges Mae (18 OCT 1878-12 MAY 1922)
Thompson, Cynthia Ann (28 MAY 1846-6 DEC 1927)
Thompson, Ella
Thompson, Emily J. (11 OCT 1827-1915)
Thompson, Emma Ellen (27 JAN 1872-)
Thompson, James
Thompson, John
Thompson, Josiah (30 MAY 1823-28 DEC 1874)
Thompson, Lewis
Thompson, Orlando
Thompson, Robert F. (13 JAN 1887-)
Thompson, Samuel Dr. (8 MAR 1798-15 MAR 1877)
Thompson, W.N.
Thompson, William
Thornton, Bertha Aggatha (21 APR 1881-9 MAR 1970)
Thornton, John David (21 FEB 1911-)
Thornton, Lewis L
Thornton, William Edward
Timblin, Elizabeth (ABT 1836-)
Tinsley, Francis
Tinstman, Abigail
Tinstman, Abraham Overholt (1834-)
Tinstman, Adam (1746-1813)
Tinstman, Anna O.
Tinstman, Christian Stauffer Overholt
Tinstman, Elizabeth
Tinstman, Emma
Tinstman, Henry O.
Tinstman, Jacob Overholt
Tinstman, John
Tinstman, John (29 JUN 1797-16 APR 1895)
Tinstman, Maria
Tintsman, Frances
Tintsman, Jacob
Tipton, Neva
Todd, Mary
Toll, Jonathan Layton
Toll, Lydia Elizabeth (5 MAR 1854-8 JUL 1948)
Torrence, Gertrude
Tosh, Henry (ABT 1820-)
Tosh, Henry
Tosh, Mary (19 NOV 1786-1 APR 1870)
Tout, Dale Edward (27 OCT 1930-)
Tout, John Shepherd (18 OCT 1806-9 JAN 1893)
Tout, Lyman Deneen (15 JAN 1909-)
Tout, Patricia Ann (17 OCT 1934-)
Tout, Richard McCormic (20 JUN 1885-25 JUN 1949)
Tout, Richard W. (6 AUG 1859-17 JUL 1920)
Tout, Wayne Henry (3 APR 1956-)
Trafton, Alice Loney (9 FEB 1855-)
Trafton, Charles W. (7 SEP 1849-)
Trafton, Hannah
Trafton, Lizzie Ella (21 NOV 1856-)
Trafton, Mark
Trafton, Martha A. (15 MAR 1852-)
Trask, Hannah ??
Trask, Lottie M. (22 MAY 1881-19 APR 1908)
Trask, Melvin
Traugh, Albert T. (26 JUL 1893-)
Traugh, Alice (ABT 1912-)
Traugh, Anna Marie (23 JAN 1830-25 APR 1906)
Traugh, Caroline McCauley (8 DEC 1842-1922)
Traugh, Catherine (1794-)
Traugh, Charlotte (1798-)
Traugh, Clark (1862-)
Traugh, Cletius (1908-1986)
Traugh, David Henry (1848-)
Traugh, David Kamden (17 MAR 1807-26 DEC 1869)
Traugh, Eliza Jane (1858-)
Traugh, Elizabeth (7 MAR 1878-)
Traugh, Elizabeth (MAY 1825-BET 1900 AND 1910)
Traugh, Emma O. (JAN 1873-)
Traugh, Harlen Newill
Traugh, Harriet (1878-)
Traugh, Harry N. (1889-)
Traugh, Henry (31 JAN 1793-7 JUL 1877)
Traugh, Henry Edward (1879-)
Traugh, Jacob (ABT 4 NOV 1764-ABT 1838)
Traugh, Jennie (17 FEB 1873-10 APR 1885)
Traugh, John (1802-22 SEP 1878)
Traugh, Mabel (1922-)
Traugh, Margaret (1905-)
Traugh, Margaret m2John (14 APR 1814-23 SEP 1893)
Traugh, Marion (1920-)
Traugh, Martha (20 OCT 1822-21 AUG 1901)
Traugh, Martha Osbern (10 OCT 1839-14 OCT 1921)
Traugh, Mary m1John (BEF 1800-)
Traugh, Minnie (1875-)
Traugh, Paul (1903-)
Traugh, Pearson Rask (APR 1875-)
Traugh, Ray Alden (1914-)
Traugh, Rebecca
Traugh, Rhoda Lemmon (ABT 1844-21 MAR 1897)
Traugh, Robert Bishop (1851-1936)
Traugh, Ruth (1800-)
Traugh, Samuel Clark (12 FEB 1835-6 JAN 1905)
Traugh, Sarah Ann (1830-)
Traugh, Sarah Jane (1796-)
Traugh, Sarah Lucille (1918-)
Traugh, Smith (1867-)
Traugh, Thomas (1904-)
Traugh, William McClellan (1877-)
Tremewan, Eliza Julian (OCT 1876-)
Treworgy, Elizabeth
Trimble, Arthur H.
Trindle, Agness M. (ABT 1819-16 MAR 1832)
Trindle, Bertha (13 OCT 1859-)
Trindle, Cora M. (6 APR 1878-)
Trindle, Cyrus (14 SEP 1898-24 APR 1930)
Trindle, Elsie M. (18 OCT 1884-6 MAR 1910)
Trindle, George (26 FEB 1826-16 JUN 1893)
Trindle, Grace (4 JAN 1876-11 JAN 1929)
Trindle, James (30 JUN 1856-)
Trindle, James (24 AUG 1823-15 OCT 1907)
Trindle, Jane (OCT 1829-23 NOV 1901)
Trindle, Jennie T. (28 JUL 1881-1951)
Trindle, John M. (APR 1835-31 MAR 1902)
Trindle, John W. (17 MAY 1849-31 MAY 1889)
Trindle, Margaret A. (21 MAY 1892-21 APR 1906)
Trindle, Nancy (13 OCT 1859-18 DEC 1861)
Trindle, Robert A. (15 APR 1853-24 MAR 1923)
Trindle, Samuel (17 APR 1851-8 NOV 1851)
Trindle, Samuel Swan (JUL 1834-3 FEB 1920)
Trindle, Sarah E. (25 JUL 1894-1 OCT 1895)
Trindle, William Jr (APR 1818-27 JUL 1906)
Trindle, William Orville (18 MAY 1889-29 AUG 1971)
Trindle, William Sr (BEF 1794-)
Trough, Martha (20 OCT 1822-21 AUG 1901)
Truninger, Elizabeth
Truxal, Henry
Tucker, J. E.
Tully, Sarah
Tully, Thomas
Tunnicliff, Damon
Tunnicliff, Morris
Turner, Elizabeth
Turner, Jacob
Turner, Meribah C. (ABT 1810-)
Turner, Robert
Tuttle, Arthur Samuel
Tuttle, Arthur Thompson
Tuttle, Charles Horance
Tuttle, Charles Orlando (6 OCT 1897-21 JUL 1910)
Tuttle, Doris Agnes (2 JAN 1899-19 OCT 1973)
Tuttle, Elva Harriet
Tuttle, Henry Elmer (31 AUG 1878-31 JAN 1918)
Tuttle, Linwood Earl
Uebener, Adam
Unk., Caroline Wilhemina
Unk., Elizabeth
Unk., Lucinda
Unk., Sarah Lucy (1838-)
Uppey, Sarah
Van Cleave, Elizabeth
Van Dyke, Clyde (10 AUG 1890-)
Van Dyke, George O. (JAN 1869-)
Van Dyke, Harley Jennings (14 OCT 1898-)
Van Dyke, Otha (ABT 1896-)
Van Dyke, Roy (ABT 1895-)
Van Ruddell, Amanda (1837-31 JAN 1892)
Van Sanford, Erich Tommy (6 JAN 1967-)
Van Sanford, Royce T.
VanBlair, Francis J. (22 FEB 1861-16 NOV 1928)
Vance, Crawford
Vance, Katherine
Varum, Sarah (1756-1844)
Venner, Margaret
Vitus, Augustus John Fredrick
Vitus, John Fredrick Augustus (8 AUG 1867-4 OCT 1946)
Wade, Amanda Margaret (1849-1941)
Wade, Jonathan
Wagner, Albert
Wagner, Charles A.
Wagner, Nellie Bly
Wait, Eva L. (1867-1939)
Wait, Minnie B. (2 APR 1868-7 DEC 1887)
Waite, Dale (1918-1930)
Waite, Lloyd (1910-)
Waite, Mildred (1915-1926)
Waite, Walter (1887-1951)
Wakefield, Maria (29 JAN 1827-18 JUN 1886)
Wakefield, Samuel
Walbring, Winifred
Walker, Cynthia Ann
Walker, George
Walker, Harriet
Walker, Mary Ann (1843-12 APR 1919)
Walker, Sarah Francis (22 AUG 1848-11 SEP 1869)
Walker, Susanna (8 JAN 1768-22 NOV 1843)
Walters, Annie C.
Wand, Mary
Ward, Albert Melvile (1841-31 DEC 1913)
Ward, Albert W. (1873-)
Ward, Clara Bell (APR 1886-)
Ward, Edward G. (1846-)
Ward, Eleanor S. (1826-)
Ward, Francis A. (1838-)
Ward, Howard G. (1846-)
Ward, Isabella (1841-)
Ward, James W. (1834-)
Ward, Josiah (1843-)
Ward, Louisa G. (1878-)
Ward, Martin (-18 OCT 1843)
Ward, Martin E. (1836-)
Ward, Martin P. (1876-)
Ward, Melinda E. (1830-)
Ward, Olin Weston (1838-)
Ward, II, Samuel (1794-)
Ward, Sarah J. (1848-)
Ward, Sarah Jane (25 DEC 1843-16 SEP 1913)
Ward, Susan E. (1836-)
Ward, Wilson (1821-)
Ware, Mary
Warnick, Alvin
Washburn, Francis (5 AUG 1816-27 SEP 1899)
Washburn, Harrison (28 SEP 1813-4 JAN 1903)
Washburn, John (1789-)
Washburn, Milford
Washburn, Rebecca (8 DEC 1820-)
Washburn, Sophrina (28 AUG 1824-12 JUL 1899)
Washburn, Squire T. (11 OCT 1810-1910)
Washburn, William E. (1844-1930)
Wasser, Justina (OCT 1874-)
Waters, Mebla
Watkins, Unk.
Watson, Mary Susan (12 DEC 1887-16 OCT 1961)
Watson, Robert Eugene
Watts, Tabitha
Weatherly, Jane Laura
Weaver, Angelina King (JUL 1846-1934)
Weaver, Harriet (1849-)
Weaver, Mary C.
Weaver, Pearl
Weaver, William (1811-)
Webb, Lucy
Webb, Mary (ABT 1694-)
Webb, Mary A (18 AUG 1822-29 NOV 1898)
Webb, S. R.
Webb, Susan (10 AUG 1825-13 MAR 1905)
Weber, Barbara
Webster, George
Weidmann, Maria
Weir, Mary (ABT 1800-)
Weiser, Sarah
Weiss, Margaretha
Weister, Kate (9 DEC 1873-31 DEC 1902)
Welchhance, Heinrich Sr (1765-1834)
Welshauns, Daughter HenrySr (BET 1800 AND 1810-)
Welshauns, David (BET 1794 AND 1800-)
Welshauns, Elizabeth (ABT 1827-)
Welshauns, George (19 MAR 1791-1862)
Welshauns, Henry A. (26 JUL 1830-)
Welshauns, Henry Jr (BEF 1784-)
Welshauns, Jacob (1 NOV 1784-26 APR 1871)
Welshauns, John (BET 1796 AND 1800-)
Welshauns, Mathias (17 AUG 1793-1875)
Welshauns, Michael (ABT 1790-1864)
Welshons, Abram O. (7 MAR 1851-15 MAR 1881)
Welshons, Ada Ellen (27 FEB 1897-21 JUL 1975)
Welshons, Albert (1868-)
Welshons, Alta Maude (AUG 1883-)
Welshons, Catherine (14 NOV 1854-3 SEP 1873)
Welshons, Clifford Bradley Jr (22 FEB 1900-27 JUN 1969)
Welshons, Clifford Bradley Sr (25 JUL 1875-)
Welshons, Clyde Waterman (11 FEB 1877-)
Welshons, Elenora (10 MAR 1852-)
Welshons, Elizabeth (1865-)
Welshons, Elizabeth (1809-19 SEP 1840)
Welshons, Isaac (1817-10 MAY 1851)
Welshons, Isadore (6 AUG 1845-15 MAY 1940)
Welshons, James Hunter (6 MAR 1848-18 FEB 1936)
Welshons, John (8 MAY 1818-10 JAN 1866)
Welshons, John Trough (6 NOV 1859-)
Welshons, Joseph (1828-BEF 1923)
Welshons, Joseph (24 JUN 1874-23 NOV 1929)
Welshons, Joseph Wesley (8 MAR 1850-19 MAR 1912)
Welshons, Leland (MAR 1886-)
Welshons, Mabel Vernon (9 NOV 1880-20 MAY 1978)
Welshons, Martha Jane (13 FEB 1857-12 DEC 1862)
Welshons, Mary D. (30 AUG 1865-1954)
Welshons, Mary Mollie (NOV 1862-10 JUN 1936)
Welshons, Ronald P.
Welshonse, Adeline (ABT 1856-)
Welshonse, Albert F. (1854-18 APR 1942)
Welshonse, Albert W. (20 NOV 1857-17 MAY 1940)
Welshonse, Alexander (1836-)
Welshonse, Alexander S. (1850-)
Welshonse, Alfred Eugene (ABT 1853-)
Welshonse, Alice C. (1860-)
Welshonse, Alvah (BET 1855 AND 1860-)
Welshonse, Alvey Sylvester (ABT 1868-)
Welshonse, Ambrose (BET 1824 AND 1830-)
Welshonse, Ambrose E. (OCT 1861-)
Welshonse, Annie M. (1867-)
Welshonse, Annie TmAlex (1851-)
Welshonse, Armstrong (ABT 1849-)
Welshonse, Arthur Henderson (18 JUL 1885-17 FEB 1970)
Welshonse, Austin (OCT 1828-)
Welshonse, Austin O. (ABT 1872-)
Welshonse, Bertha (NOV 1894-)
Welshonse, Blanch (BET 1861 AND 1862-)
Welshonse, Candice (ABT 1851-)
Welshonse, Charles Blair (JUL 1891-1902)
Welshonse, Christina (ABT 1813-)
Welshonse, Clara M. (1864-)
Welshonse, Claranna (ABT 1836-1924)
Welshonse, Daisy (1878-)
Welshonse, Dan F. (FEB 1892-)
Welshonse, Daniel (3 APR 1822-6 APR 1904)
Welshonse, David (18 JUN 1814-)
Welshonse, David Frank (1867-1941)
Welshonse, Dora (17 APR 1894-2 NOV 1894)
Welshonse, Dora Clarissa (26 JAN 1871-4 MAR 1943)
Welshonse, Dushane (JUN 1894-)
Welshonse, Eben (1876-)
Welshonse, Edith M. (1880-)
Welshonse, Edward Ralph (24 APR 1888-30 NOV 1945)
Welshonse, Edwin (AUG 1893-)
Welshonse, Elizabeth (18 MAR 1834-)
Welshonse, Elmer Ellsworth (3 APR 1864-31 MAR 1942)
Welshonse, Emma K. (ABT 1861-)
Welshonse, Eugene
Welshonse, Evelyn m2GeoE
Welshonse, Findley
Welshonse, Florence M. (NOV 1887-)
Welshonse, Francis mAlfred (1861-)
Welshonse, Frank L. (ABT 1877-)
Welshonse, Franklin McKee (1869-)
Welshonse, Frederick H. (JUN 1889-)
Welshonse, Garnet V. (APR 1898-)
Welshonse, George (ABT 6 APR 1890-6 JUL 1899)
Welshonse, George A. (1869-)
Welshonse, George Ernest (16 MAY 1879-20 NOV 1961)
Welshonse, George H. (ABT 1857-)
Welshonse, George Sr (15 AUG 1842-17 OCT 1897)
Welshonse, George W. (ABT 1866-)
Welshonse, George Washington (2 SEP 1849-24 JUL 1924)
Welshonse, Gertrude (BET 1865 AND 1870-)
Welshonse, Gordon Sidney (ABT 1859-)
Welshonse, HarrietA mAmbroseE
Welshonse, Harry M. (1879-)
Welshonse, Harry M. (ABT 1879-)
Welshonse, Harry Thomas
Welshonse, Helen A. (1907-)
Welshonse, Henry (ABT 1856-5 JUN 1916)
Welshonse, Henry Ambrose (OCT 1817-22 JUN 1909)
Welshonse, Henry Clarence
Welshonse, Ira Vincent (MAR 1878-)
Welshonse, Isabella (BEF 1833-)
Welshonse, Jacob
Welshonse, Jacob S. (22 AUG 1853-6 AUG 1873)
Welshonse, James A. (30 JUN 1878-7 MAY 1946)
Welshonse, Jane (1852-)
Welshonse, Jane (ABT 1817-)
Welshonse, Jeanette I.mThomas (ABT 1858-SEP 1930)
Welshonse, John (ABT 1814-)
Welshonse, John M. (1869-)
Welshonse, John Ray (JAN 1966-)
Welshonse, Johnston (ABT 1835-)
Welshonse, Joseph L. (ABT 1859-)
Welshonse, Lavinia (BET 1824 AND 1830-)
Welshonse, Lottie (MAY 1887-)
Welshonse, Louisa m1AlbertF (1856-BET 1900 AND 1910)
Welshonse, Louise
Welshonse, Lulu E. (DEC 1885-)
Welshonse, Margaret (ABT 1827-)
Welshonse, Margaret E. (1869-)
Welshonse, Martha (ABT 1863-)
Welshonse, Martha (9 JAN 1838-27 SEP 1919)
Welshonse, Mary ?mArthurHenderson (1890-)
Welshonse, Mary A. (1874-)
Welshonse, Mary Alice (SEP 1851-1917)
Welshonse, Mary B. (ABT 1865-)
Welshonse, Mary E. (ABT 1847-)
Welshonse, Mary E. (BET 1855 AND 1860-)
Welshonse, Mary J. (1 SEP 1851-6 MAR 1943)
Welshonse, Mary M. (ABT 1858-)
Welshonse, Mary R. (1858-)
Welshonse, Mathias (AUG 1818-19 MAY 1886)
Welshonse, Matidila Jane (27 MAR 1870-6 AUG 1922)
Welshonse, Maud C. (SEP 1889-)
Welshonse, Minerva J. (1852-)
Welshonse, Nervy V. (ABT 1878-)
Welshonse, Nettie E. (1880-)
Welshonse, Nettie May (BET 1864 AND 1870-)
Welshonse, Ocie J. (AUG 1887-)
Welshonse, Omer Owen (31 JUL 1885-24 NOV 1959)
Welshonse, Pearl (APR 1892-)
Welshonse, Percy A. (1882-29 JAN 1936)
Welshonse, Robert (AUG 1888-)
Welshonse, Ronald O. (1913-)
Welshonse, Ruth Ermina (AFT 1870-)
Welshonse, Sadie (AUG 1893-)
Welshonse, Sara A.
Welshonse, Sarah (ABT 1863-)
Welshonse, Sarah (ABT 1823-)
Welshonse, Sarah (BET 1855 AND 1860-)
Welshonse, Sarah H. (MAR 1862-)
Welshonse, Sarah R. (1860-)
Welshonse, Stephen (18 SEP 1829-17 MAR 1907)
Welshonse, Susan J. (ABT 1852-)
Welshonse, Susanna (1834-)
Welshonse, Susannah Mary (17 MAR 1830-1894)
Welshonse, Sydney
Welshonse, Sylvester C. (1855-)
Welshonse, Thomas Knox (2 AUG 1853-1912)
Welshonse, Thomas M. (1853-AUG 1929)
Welshonse, Uriah (ABT 1840-)
Welshonse, William (1 JUN 1857-5 JUN 1916)
Welshonse, William Denny
Welshonse, William P. (ABT 1820-)
Welshonse, Zachariah (20 MAR 1820-25 JUL 1907)
Welshonse, daughter1 JamesA
Welshonse, daughter1 ThKnox
Welshonse, daughter2 JamesA
Welty, David
Wendall, Pierson
Wendell, Alfred R.
Wendell, Alma (1877-1978)
Wendell, Betty (1858-)
Wendell, Edward R.J. (AUG 1879-)
Wendell, Pearson (1848-)
Wendell, Russell (1888-)
Wendell, S. Gunnila R. (1874-)
Wendell, Seven (1850-)
Wendell, Townshend (1889-)
Wentworth, Alfred Daniel
Wentworth, Andrew (18 DEC 1789-10 FEB 1852)
Wentworth, Bateman C. (1877-1956)
Wentworth, Cecil A.
Wentworth, Clement R.
Wentworth, Daniel Webster (23 MAR 1839-26 FEB 1910)
Wentworth, Elmer Edwin (31 MAR 1868-1941)
Wentworth, Eva Bell
Wentworth, George E.
Wentworth, George Whitefield (26 DEC 1873-1943)
Wentworth, Julia E. (14 MAY 1871-1950)
Wentworth, Kermit E. (1920-1952)
Wentworth, Lewis E.
Wentworth, Maude Hazel
Wentworth, Samuel
Werry, Sara (1874-1954)
Wertz, Christian
Wertz, Christina
Wertz, John
Wessinger, Earl
Wessinger, Elma (7 NOV 1938-)
Wessinger, Marie (23 SEP 1943-)
Weston, Morton (12 AUG 1843-26 JUN 1893)
Westope, Dulcena (11 APR 1812-)
Westrope, Abner (15 MAY 1799-)
Westrope, Agnus (1907-)
Westrope, Alfred (APR 1879-22 APR 1942)
Westrope, Alice Udella
Westrope, Amanda M. (1845-)
Westrope, Annie V. (13 APR 1869-14 NOV 1951)
Westrope, Arkley (1903-)
Westrope, Charles Layton (22 APR 1874-20 OCT 1945)
Westrope, Dulcena (27 JUN 1793-)
Westrope, Elizabeth
Westrope, Ernest Leroy (3 OCT 1886-31 JAN 1984)
Westrope, Eulala Eva
Westrope, George Robert (1881-5 APR 1914)
Westrope, Harriet M. (1848-)
Westrope, James Lewis (ABT 1809-)
Westrope, Jesse Winfield (MAY 1889-)
Westrope, John (12 MAY 1805-)
Westrope, John G. (1763-18 AUG 1787)
Westrope, John Jr (5 MAR 1785-)
Westrope, John T. (1843-)
Westrope, John Washington (1849-24 OCT 1918)
Westrope, Laura Alice (APR 1876-10 JAN 1928)
Westrope, Mahala A. (1852-)
Westrope, Marion H. (1850-)
Westrope, Martha Jane (2 MAR 1854-3 OCT 1936)
Westrope, Mary (1838-)
Westrope, Mary (ABT 1820-)
Westrope, Nancy Allen (18 FEB 1865-19 MAY 1955)
Westrope, Neal (1913-)
Westrope, Nettie Mae (15 AUG 1892-)
Westrope, Richard (7 OCT 1786-)
Westrope, Richard (ABT 1816-)
Westrope, Samuel (19 AUG 1813-18 APR 1904)
Westrope, Samuel Barney (1863-3 AUG 1928)
Westrope, Sarah (1811-)
Westrope, Sarah (ABT 1818-)
Westrope, Sarah F. (1840-)
Westrope, Thompson (ABT 1817-)
Westrope, Unas Mae (20 JUL 1903-7 MAR 1994)
Westrope, Walter S. (APR 1883-26 DEC 1949)
Westrope, William (13 JAN 1783-)
Westrope, William P. (23 FEB 1814-)
Westrope, William Winfield (15 APR 1906-3 NOV 1972)
Westrope, Winfield Scott (1850-28 JUN 1923)
Weysbelle, Elizabeth (1753-)
Wheeler, Dora Belle
Wheeler, Rollo S.
White, Alfred Monroe (24 JUL 1886-21 JUL 1963)
White, Carl
White, Earl F.
White, Edwin P.
White, Eleanor (25 SEP 1914-)
White, Elizabeth (27 AUG 1837-)
White, Harry W.
White, Inez (3 MAR 1889-29 MAR 1964)
White, James M.
White, Laura Adell
White, Luella A.
White, Margaret
White, Mary
White, Nathaniel Wellington (21 MAR 1863-23 AUG 1933)
White, Orlando
White, Stephen
White, Susan
Whitehead, Elizabeth (1801-)
Whitehead, Peter
Whitehead, Rachel Jane (-17 SEP 1893)
Whitehead, William
Whitney, Eliza
Whitney, Robinson
Whynott, Bernadine ?? (ABT 1900-)
Whynott, Bernard (ABT 1917-)
Whynott, Gordon (ABT 1890-)
Whynott, Pearl (1900-4 OCT 1955)
Whynott, Virginia L (ABT 1919-)
Wickliffe, Alice (25 JUL 1941-)
Wickliffe, Ann Collins (3 FEB 1949-)
Wickliffe, Emily (15 JUN 1946-)
Wickliffe, Lawrence
Wickliffe, Walter H.
Wiesemann, Don
Wiggin, Ada A. (24 OCT 1856-2 FEB 1896)
Wiggin, Alice B. (ABT 1868-)
Wiggin, Augustus Doe (21 JAN 1840-5 JAN 1945)
Wiggin, Chandler (1859-)
Wiggin, Clara E.
Wiggin, Edmund D (13 OCT 1846-17 SEP 1912)
Wiggin, Elizabeth Rachel (1831-1871)
Wiggin, Elmer Ellsworth (24 JUN 1868-30 JAN 1953)
Wiggin, Ezra (1802-27 DEC 1894)
Wiggin, Florence M. (ABT 1887-)
Wiggin, George Martin (26 APR 1835-4 AUG 1905)
Wiggin, George Washington (14 NOV 1861-11 AUG 1889)
Wiggin, Hannah Etta (ABT 1877-)
Wiggin, Hannah T (1817-1 FEB 1890)
Wiggin, Julia V (3 JUN 1845-28 OCT 1885)
Wiggin, Lizzie M. (29 SEP 1873-1950)
Wiggin, Maud (ABT 1873-)
Wiggin, Nathaniel (-23 OCT 1860)
Wiggin, Sarah H (OCT 1826-19 JUL 1849)
Wiggins, Nancy
Wilcoxson, Daniel (13 MAR 1755-16 JUN 1837)
Wilcoxson, Elizabeth
Wilcoxson, John (-1782)
Wilcoxson, Racheal
Wild, Sarah (ABT 1807-)
Wilde, Celia (ABT 1818-)
Wilhide, Elizabeth (-ABT 1732)
Wilhide, Friedrich
Wilhite, Catherine (29 JUL 1835-2 NOV 1905)
Wilhite, Eleazer
Wilkins, Clara (1866-1941)
Wilkins, Eli
Willard, Joseph
Willard, Rhoda
Willard, William O. (22 APR 1862-25 SEP 1954)
Willette, Norman O.
Williams, Christena
Williams, Elizabeth C. (1824-5 JAN 1852)
Williams, John L. (1800-1846)
Williams, Lilly May (12 NOV 1860-15 JAN 1943)
Williams, Mary (26 AUG 1800-25 JUL 1890)
Williams, Matthew
Willis, Esther (-ABT 1928)
Willoughby, Ann
Wills, Ileen (2 MAY 1902-29 JUL 1980)
Wills, Oliver Perry (10 NOV 1853-12 FEB 1931)
Wilson, Amos
Wilson, Elizabeth
Wilson, Francis Marion (23 MAY 1862-13 JUN 1943)
Wilson, Hamilton
Wilson, Hannah Elizabeth
Wilson, Jane (10 NOV 1810-15 NOV 1880)
Wilson, Martha
Wilson, Mary
Wilson, Mary Ann (1835-)
Wilson, Rhoda Amelia (6 AUG 1871-)
Wilson, Rita
Wilson, Sarah
Wilson, Sarah Ann (9 MAR 1835-)
Wilson, Thomas (13 JUN 1775-6 MAR 1850)
Wilson, William
Windmayer, Gertrude
Wing, Annie Elizabeth (31 JUL 1849-1 NOV 1928)
Wise, Simon
Withers, Lula Florence (1883-12 JAN 1951)
Wohler, Dora
Wolcott, Mary
Wolfe, Ellen Frost (4 JAN 1877-7 JAN 1909)
Wolfe, Jabob B.
Wollbrink, T. Elvin
Wood, David
Wood, Elizabeth
Wood, Elizabeth R.
Wood, John
Wood, Margaret
Woodcock, Elizabeth
Woods, Carson (ABT 1906-)
Woods, Chauncey R. (ABT 1914-)
Woods, Eleanor Charlotte (23 JUL 1858-)
Woods, Eliza (18 OCT 1808-)
Woods, James Finley (21 JUN 1812-10 DEC 1893)
Woods, Jane E. (1909-)
Woods, John Powers (22 DEC 1806-)
Woods, John Young III (ABT 1903-)
Woods, John Young Jr. (FEB 1872-)
Woods, John Young Sr. (17 MAR 1844-24 JUN 1905)
Woods, Madeline (ABT 1904-)
Woods, Margaret Richey (27 JAN 1868-)
Woods, Mary Elizabeth (28 JAN 1862-)
Woods, Olive Esther (ABT 1912-)
Woods, Olive M. mWm (ABT 1880-)
Woods, Sadie
Woods, Samuel III (26 AUG 1810-)
Woods, Samuel Jr. (JAN 1779-27 APR 1815)
Woods, Samuel Judson (2 APR 1886-)
Woods, Samuel Sr.
Woods, William J. (ABT 1906-)
Woods, William James (30 MAR 1879-)
Woods, William W. (23 MAY 1814-)
Woodsum, Sarah (-1 MAR 1837)
Woodworth, Janice M.
Worley, Catherine (ABT 1843-)
Worley, Charlie (-22 DEC)
Worley, Frank B. (1891-1963)
Worley, George W. (ABT 1828-1852)
Worley, Infant
Worley, James (1837-1916)
Worley, Katherine (27 AUG 1869-2 APR 1905)
Worley, Lorenzo Dowl (23 JUL 1857-5 MAY 1940)
Worley, Lucille (1915-1930)
Worley, Luther F. (1858-1935)
Worley, Mariam (19 JUL 1918-)
Worley, Mary Ann (1836-1864)
Worley, Mary Matilda (22 MAY 1867-8 JUN 1929)
Worley, Pearl (1874-1962)
Worley, Ray (29 JAN 1893-30 OCT 1978)
Worley, Richard
Worley, Richard (1839-)
Worley, Ruth
Worley, Sarah (AUG 1869-)
Worley, Walter W. (25 SEP 1863-22 JAN 1901)
Worley, William Franklin (20 MAR 1800-25 MAY 1850)
Worley, William Franklin Jr. (3 JAN 1830-20 JAN 1880)
Worley, William Lewis (14 NOV 1861-29 OCT 1915)
Worley, Winnie Jane (14 APR 1865-5 JUN 1944)
Worthington, Nancy
Wren, Nicholas
Wright, Elizabeth
Wright, Ida A.
Wright, Lewis
Wright, Lewis (8 JAN 1790-21 JUN 1873)
Wright, Robert
Wright, Walter Leslie (6 DEC 1870-23 JUL 1956)
Wright, Zella (18 JAN 1878-8 APR 1906)
Wycoff, John
Wycoff, Mary
Wyer, Eleanor
Yager, Bluford T.
Yager, Edward
Yager, Frances Cobler
Yager, Halevia
Yager, Joel (ABT 1782-)
Yager, Peachy (ABT 1801-31 AUG 1871)
Yager, Virginia M.
Yeargain, Edith (16 AUG 1865-)
Yeargain, James Oliver (26 JUL 1862-)
Yeargain, Jane Ann (25 JUL 1854-4 AUG 1932)
Yeargain, John C. (-30 NOV 1845)
Yeargain, John Henry (23 SEP 1858-)
Yeargain, John P. (14 FEB 1826-18 DEC 1905)
Yeargain, Louisa Ann (28 JUL 1820-7 FEB 1898)
Yeargain, Margaret Amelia (14 MAY 1857-)
Yeargain, Mary Emeline (11 FEB 1850-)
Yeargain, Stephen Asberry (29 SEP 1851-)
Yeargain, Thomas Millard (23 FEB 1856-)
Yeargain, William Orville (28 SEP 1863-)
York, Grace
Yorke, Dorothy (25 APR 1582-27 DEC 1643)
Yorke, Edmund
Yost, Esther Lorene (26 AUG 1923-)
Yost, Lester Mahon
Young, Aaron Dea.
Young, Douglas J.
Young, Elizabeth Forester (1 JUN 1809-26 APR 1844)
Young, Leaty Ann
Young, Philip G.
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