Notes for Judith Davis

According to Jean Taylor (160 Westside Dr. SE, Chelhalis, WA 98532-4307) Alexander Montgomer y Jr. married Judith Davis Barnett about 1802/3. She had previously been married to Richar d Barnett and after Alexander Montgomery Jr. died she married John Bratton 15 Nov 1815 in Log an Co., Kentucky. See Family group sheets for these marriages for further details.

That she was a daughter of Zacharia Davis is found in his will dated 6 Feb 1800 Franklin Twp , Fayette, PA. Will Book Vol. 1 pg. 50 wherein she is referred to as Judith Barnett. Richa rd Barnett died in 1802 in Logan Co., Kentucky.
source: RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: New Sears Harris File-[Taylor/Hammon Family History]

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