Notes for Sewell A. Knapp

Men of Nineteen-thirteen; pg 291

Knapp, Sewell A., owner and broker in land, oil and mines; born Columbia, Tuolumne County, Cal., Sept. 9, 1854; son Sewell Crosby and Caroline (Gilman) Knapp. Public school and academic education. Married Louisa K. Schwilk, May 31, 1877, at San Jose, Cal. One of the principal owners of the Black Oak Mine, Black Oak Development Co., Black Oak, Tuolumne County, Cal. Member Am. Inst. Mining Engrs., Soc. of Chemical Industry of London, Soc. Cal. Pioneers. Author of articles on recovery of sodium carbonate in Great Basin, Vol. 7, Mineral Industry, 1899; also articles in various papers; consulting engineer American Potash, Inc. (manufacturing potash and by-products from kelp). Residence: 2821 Woolsey St., Berkeley; office: 1111 Merchants Nat. Bank Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.

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