+--Roland Shepherd  (ABT 1776-)
         +--Peter Hedrick Shepherd  (1 JAN 1800-11 NOV 1878)
         |  +--Barbara Hedrick 
      +--Samuel Shepherd  (9 JUL 1830-24 NOV 1901)
      |  |  +--John Purviance 
      |  +--Nancy Ferguson Purviance  (1 AUG 1801-2 JUL 1886)
      |     +--Elizabeth Lisenby 
   +--Elisha J. Shepherd  (26 OCT 1858-21 OCT 1913)
   |  |  +--Jesse Crank  (5 NOV 1805-3 FEB 1880)
   |  +--Mary Jane Crank  (22 JAN 1833-1 FEB 1899)
   |     +--Eliza George  (25 NOV 1811-26 FEB 1881)
+--Raymond W. Shepherd  (22 JUL 1886-16 MAR 1964)
|  |     +--Rial Crandal  (2 APR 1800-11 SEP 1854)
|  |  +--David Crandal  (1 JAN 1838-13 FEB 1875)
|  |  |  |  +--Amos Beebe  (ABT 1781-19 SEP 1839)
|  |  |  +--Anna Bebee  (ABT 1802-19 FEB 1865)
|  |  |     +--Lois ? 
|  +--Anna Crandal  (1 SEP 1864-22 DEC 1943)
|     |     +--Joseph Hunsaker  (17 MAY 1761-25 SEP 1854)
|     |  +--David Hunsaker  (14 MAR 1795-9 APR 1876)
|     |  |  +--Margaret Stevenson 
|     +--Susan Hunsaker  (15 APR 1842-18 MAR 1917)
|        +--Margaret White 
Marvin E. Shepherd  (3 FEB 1916-29 APR 1968)
+--Maysie V. Stipe  (1885-1952)


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