+--Unknown Ma Grimes 
         +--Abraham  Grimes  (1 JAN 1800-31 DEC 1887)
         |  +--Unknown F Grimesma 
      +--Jacob Wesley Grimes  (20 MAY 1827-19 FEB 1910)
      |  +--Elizabeth Ingle 
   +--Abram Alexander Grimes  (19 JAN 1863-13 MAR 1919)
   |  +--Elizabeth Jane McNeals  (22 APR 1834-12 MAY 1903)
+--Harold Charles Grimes  (25 NOV 1894-1985)
|  |        +--Richard Worley 
|  |     +--William Franklin Worley  (20 MAR 1800-25 MAY 1850)
|  |  +--William Franklin Jr. Worley  (3 JAN 1830-20 JAN 1880)
|  |  |  |  +--Roland Shepherd  (ABT 1776-)
|  |  |  +--Nancy Shepherd  (18 MAR 1807-4 MAR 1852)
|  |  |     +--Barbara Hedrick 
|  +--Mary Matilda Worley  (22 MAY 1867-8 JUN 1929)
|     |     +--Samuel Arterburn  (6 FEB 1774-27 FEB 1853)
|     |  +--Lewis Arterburn  (1808-20 MAR 1861)
|     |  |  +-- Sinia 
|     +--Susan Matilda Arterburn  (17 APR 1837-15 OCT 1911)
|        +--Mary Smith  (1805-7 MAR 1856)
Maurice Grimes  (13 MAR 1921-)
|        +--William Nicholson 
|     +--John Nicholson  (27 AUG 1811-3 MAR 1890)
|  +--Joseph W. Nicholson  (6 DEC 1849-)
|  |  +--Hester R. Orr  (27 DEC 1823-16 JUN 1884)
+--Fay King Nicholson  (5 AUG 1895-1981)
   |  +--William L. King  (11 APR 1811-14 NOV 1879)
   +--Idealia King  (2 OCT 1863-)
      +--Eliza Gallamore  (14 FEB 1820-15 FEB 1879)


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