+--Unknown Ma Grimes 
      +--Abraham  Grimes  (1 JAN 1800-31 DEC 1887)
      |  +--Unknown F Grimesma 
   +--Jacob Wesley Grimes  (20 MAY 1827-19 FEB 1910)
   |  +--Elizabeth Ingle 
+--John Wesley Grimes  (ABT 1866-)
|  +--Elizabeth Jane McNeals  (22 APR 1834-12 MAY 1903)
Cora Alice Grimes  (20 OCT 1894-)
|        +--Robert Hughes  (21 MAY 1769-)
|     +--Albert Hughes  (20 JAN 1810-22 JUL 1905)
|     |  +--Elizabeth Strother  (ABT 1774-)
|  +--Robert C. Hughes  (11 JUN 1841-20 FEB 1922)
|  |  |  +--Robert Taylor 
|  |  +--Sarah Ann Taylor  (17 OCT 1814-10 JAN 1892)
|  |     +--Jane Gilliland 
+--Nellie Hughes  (22 FEB 1869-APR 1956)
   |     +--Andrew McNay 
   |  +--Andrew McNay  (12 JAN 1812-1 FEB 1903)
   |  |  +--Jane ?  (-9 SEP 1878)
   +--Mary Agnus McNay  (1849-1937)
      +--Mary A Webb  (18 AUG 1822-29 NOV 1898)


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