+--Thomas Campbell  (1737-1803)
   +--Thomas Campbell  (10 OCT 1766-23 MAY 1849)
   |  +--Margret Dunning  (1740-1814)
+--John Campbell  (25 SEP 1795-15 DEC 1867)
|  |        +--Moses Knapp  (ABT 1705-)
|  |     +--Moses Knapp, II  (ABT 1730-)
|  |  +--Samuel Knapp  (1747-)
|  +--Sabara Knapp  (12 OCT 1772-23 JUL 1855)
|     |  +--Phineas Grover 
|     +--Rachel Grover  (10 JAN 1744/45-)
|        +--Joanna Lane 
William Doble Campbell  (13 AUG 1835-11 AUG 1906)
|     +--William Doble  (23 NOV 1734-2 SEP 1841)
|  +--William Doble  (ABT 1777-)
|  |  +--Sarah Varum  (1756-1844)
+--Sarah Varnum Doble  (6 MAR 1809-24 MAY 1890)
   +--Francis Powers  (ABT 1777-)


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