+--John Libby  (1636-)
                  +--Benjamin Deacon Libby  (4 JUN 1682-9 NOV 1768)
                  |  +--Agnes ?? 
               +--Daniel Libby  (21 FEB 1714/15-31 JUL 1804)
               |  |  +--Daniel Stone 
               |  +--Sarah Stone 
               |     +--Patience Goodwin 
            +--John Lt Libby  (20 NOV 1751-1 OCT 1828)
            |  +--Abigail ?? Libby  (16 SEP 1722-28 FEB 1771)
         +--Ebenezer Libby  (1 FEB 1779-)
         |  +--Sarah Woodsum  (-1 MAR 1837)
      +--Joseph Lyman Libby  (19 JUL 1821-19 MAR 1884)
      |  |  +--Thomas Smiley 
      |  +--Hannah S. Smiley 
      |     +--Ruth Crosby 
   +--Preble Libby  (22 JUN 1855-1941)
   |  |  +--Samuel Quinn  (1784-30 NOV 1857)
   |  +--Hester Ann Quinn  (21 JAN 1822-13 FEB 1901)
   |     |                          +--Edward I Gilman 
   |     |                       +--Edward II Gilman 
   |     |                       |  +--Rose Rysse 
   |     |                    +--Edward III Gilman 
   |     |                    |  +-- ?? 
   |     |                 +--Edward IV Gilman 
   |     |                 |  +--Mary Clark 
   |     |              +--John Gilman  (1650-)
   |     |              |  +--Elizabeth Smith 
   |     |           +--Jacob Gilman  (1682-)
   |     |           |  +--Grace York 
   |     |        +--John Gilman  (15 MAR 1706/07-30 OCT 1765)
   |     |        |  +--Mary Ladd 
   |     |     +--Samuel Stevens Gilman  (9 DEC 1750-)
   |     |     |  |  +--Samuel Stevens 
   |     |     |  +--Sarah Stevens 
   |     |     |     +--Patience Gorden 
   |     |  +--Dudley Gilman  (13 SEP 1773-)
   |     |  |  |                 +--Roger Dudley, Capt. 
   |     |  |  |              +--Thomas Gov Dudley  (-31 JUL 1653)
   |     |  |  |           +--Samuel Rev. Dudley  (1608-)
   |     |  |  |           |  |  +--Edmund Yorke 
   |     |  |  |           |  +--Dorothy Yorke  (25 APR 1582-27 DEC 1643)
   |     |  |  |        +--Stephen Dudley 
   |     |  |  |        |  +--Elizabeth Smith  (1627-)
   |     |  |  |     +--James LT Dudley  (11 JUN 1690-4 SEP 1746)
   |     |  |  |     |  |           +--Edward I Gilman 
   |     |  |  |     |  |        +--Edward II Gilman 
   |     |  |  |     |  |        |  +--Rose Rysse 
   |     |  |  |     |  |     +--Edward III Gilman 
   |     |  |  |     |  |     |  +-- ?? 
   |     |  |  |     |  |  +--John Hon. Gilman 
   |     |  |  |     |  |  |  +--Mary Clark 
   |     |  |  |     |  +--Sarah Gilman  (25 FEB 1666/67-)
   |     |  |  |     |     +--Elizabeth Treworgy 
   |     |  |  |  +--Joseph Dudley  (1728-)
   |     |  |  |  |  |  +--John Dea. Folsom 
   |     |  |  |  |  +--Mercy Folsom  (12 APR 1691-)
   |     |  |  |  |     +--Abigail Perkins 
   |     |  |  +--Elizabeth Dudley  (1752-)
   |     |  |     +--Susannah Lord 
   |     +--Theresa Gilman  (1 OCT 1799-8 APR 1872)
   |        +--Sarah Cammet 
+--Hollis Linwood Libby  (14 FEB 1876-)
|  +--Matilda A. Blake  (12 FEB 1853-19 DEC 1906)
Edith M Libby  (ABT 1898-)
|        +--Nathaniel Wiggin  (-23 OCT 1860)
|     +--Ezra Wiggin  (1802-27 DEC 1894)
|     |  +--Elizabeth Herrman  (-23 MAR 1873)
|  +--Augustus Doe Wiggin  (21 JAN 1840-5 JAN 1945)
|  |  +--Sarah Doe  (1802-20 NOV 1859)
+--Hannah Etta Wiggin  (ABT 1877-)
   +--Mary Ann Hall  (22 AUG 1846-17 OCT 1929)


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